Phish | 1997-02-13 | Shepherd's Bush Empire | London | England | 2059 115650 165473 |
Phish | 1997-02-14 | Le Botanique | Brussels | Belgium | 1326 2060 115655 149902 165474 |
Phish | 1997-02-16 | Alter Wartesaal | Köln | Germany | 653 7886 84886 86886 112330 115676 165475 |
Phish | 1997-02-17 | Paradiso | Amsterdam | Netherlands | 654 1304 2061 84480 119478 143957 165476 |
Phish | 1997-02-18 | Olympia Theater | Paris | France | 655 2062 92599 102284 115695 165477 |
Phish | 1997-02-20 | Teatro Smeraldo | Milan | Italy | 656 1993 14553 79705 79754 115772 130541 132917 156860 165478 |
Phish | 1997-02-21 | Tenax | Florence | Italy | 657 22123 23043 124863 126807 167029 |
Phish | 1997-02-22 | Teatro Olympico | Rome | Italy | 658 80740 95348 119538 126808 165479 |
Phish | 1997-02-23 | Fillmore | Cortemaggiore | Italy | 2072 5888 113586 115789 126809 143994 165480 |
Phish | 1997-02-25 | Olympia Halle | Munich | Germany | 2063 165481 |
Phish | 1997-02-26 | Longhorn | Stuttgart | Germany | 659 3171 35019 2064 115925 123441 125135 138073 |
Phish | 1997-02-26 | SWF 3 Studios | Baden-Baden | Germany | 22402 165482 |
Phish | 1997-02-28 | Internationales Congress Centrum | Berlin | Germany | 2065 22432 89481 165483 |
Phish | 1997-03-01 | Markthalle | Hamburg | Germany | 660 3215 12175 95821 97688 105762 115938 143995 165484 |
Phish Soundchecks | 1997-03-01 | Markthalle | Hamburg | Germany | |
Phish | 1997-03-02 | Forum Theater | Copenhagen | Denmark | 2368 113055 115968 125136 165485 |
Phish | 1997-03-05 | Ed Sullivan Theatre | New York | NY | |
Phish | 1997-03-18 | Flynn Theatre | Burlington | VT | 661 79982 85292 97946 116053 116399 143996 |
Phish | 1997-06-06 | Brad Sand's House | Charlotte | VT | 662 14519 |
Phish | 1997-06-13 | The S.F.X. Centre | Dublin | Ireland | 3216 |
Phish | 1997-06-14 | The S.F.X. Centre | Dublin | Ireland | 2182 115805 167030 |
Phish | 1997-06-16 | Royal Albert Hall | London | England | 1095 115764 |
Phish | 1997-06-19 | Arena | Vienna | Austria | 663 664 23955 29398 |
Phish | 1997-06-20 | Divadlo Archa | Prague | Czech Republic | 665 2066 30442 125183 |
Phish | 1997-06-21 | The Hurricane Festival Eichenring | Scheesel | Germany | 29399 |
Phish | 1997-06-22 | Loreley Freilichtbühne | St. Goarshausen | Germany | 3217 |
Phish | 1997-06-24 | La Laiterie | Strasbourg | France | 2509 119552 |
Phish | 1997-06-24 | Baden-Baden Radio Session | Strasbourg | France | |
Phish | 1997-06-25 | L'Aeronef | Euralille (Lille) | France | 2367 19203 |
Phish | 1997-06-27 | Worthy Farm | Somerset | England | 667 |
Phish | 1997-06-29 | Animal Showgrounds | Roskilde | Denmark | 3717 29400 100164 |
Phish | 1997-07-01 | Paradiso | Amsterdam | Netherlands | 668 2067 107402 121653 |
Phish | 1997-07-02 | Paradiso | Amsterdam | Netherlands | 669 2068 30872 107404 121654 |
Phish | 1997-07-03 | Serenadenhof | Nürnberg | Germany | 2641 126810 |
Phish | 1997-07-05 | Piazza Risorgimento | Cernobbio | Italy | 670 1973 24867 80532 123711 126811 167031 |
Phish Soundchecks | 1997-07-05 | Piazza Risorgimento | Cernobbio | Italy | |
Phish | 1997-07-06 | Spiaggia Di Rivoltella | Brescia | Italy | 1974 3108 126821 126822 |
Phish Soundchecks | 1997-07-06 | Spiaggia di Rivoltella | Desenzano | Italy | 143997 |
Phish Soundchecks | 1997-07-07 | Spiaggia di Rivoltella | Desenzano | Italy | |
Phish | 1997-07-09 | Le Transbordeur | Lyon | France | 2069 671 115788 121304 145365 146854 |
Phish | 1997-07-10 | Espace Julien | Marseille | France | 672 2070 2669 |
Phish | 1997-07-11 | Doctor Music Festival | Escalarre | Spain | 80053 |
Phish | 1997-07-21 | Virginia Beach Amphitheatre | Virginia Beach | VA | 674 673 121290 125184 145424 167032 |
Phish | 1997-07-22 | Walnut Creek Amphitheatre | Raleigh | NC | 2285 4852 121291 675 116151 144530 144576 165636 |
Phish | 1997-07-23 | Lakewood Amphitheater | Atlanta | GA | 676 112994 116161 121295 132190 165637 |
Phish | 1997-07-25 | Starplex Amphitheater | Dallas | TX | 1850 2999 24645 113734 121370 125224 152208 |
Phish | 1997-07-26 | South Park Meadows | Austin | TX | 2547 5471 24706 90400 27558 113735 145368 147022 152343 |
Phish | 1997-07-29 | Desert Sky Pavilion | Phoenix | AZ | 2920 101939 138143 138144 165638 |
Phish | 1997-07-30 | Ventura County Fairgrounds | Ventura | CA | 677 13029 139574 29569 121413 |
Phish | 1997-07-31 | Shoreline Amphitheatre | Mountain View | CA | 678 1377 29568 79839 86652 88174 6489 91045 112342 116294 138431 165639 |
Phish | 1997-08-02 | The Gorge Amphitheatre | George | WA | 679 1813 5667 22747 29567 79985 97120 116300 121432 165640 |
Phish | 1997-08-03 | The Gorge Amphitheatre | George | WA | 680 3543 15599 29566 80280 97197 121467 126988 126989 140699 153725 165641 |
Phish | 1997-08-06 | Riverport Amphitheatre | Maryland Heights | MO | 2114 16159 20164 108920 142348 147321 165642 |
Phish | 1997-08-08 | World Music Theater | Tinley Park | IL | 681 2288 28028 116398 123031 138536 145369 151245 165643 |
Phish | 1997-08-09 | Alpine Valley Music Theatre | East Troy | WI | 682 9495 80310 92590 105383 137671 137672 145370 |
Phish | 1997-08-10 | Deer Creek Music Center | Noblesville | IN | 1941 25214 29109 75737 88930 135568 137434 137436 150512 165644 |
Phish | 1997-08-11 | Deer Creek Music Center | Noblesville | IN | 683 30445 32660 109472 125307 137607 137608 143778 146122 150513 |
Phish | 1997-08-13 | Star Lake Amphitheatre | Burgettstown | PA | 684 5196 7811 9493 94030 99128 113077 125597 128760 132880 146123 165645 |
Phish | 1997-08-14 | Darien Lake Performing Arts Center | Darien | NY | 685 2628 132907 82279 27677 101748 122331 128332 146124 146125 147672 165646 |
Phish | 1997-08-15 | "From the Archives" Broadcast | Limestone | ME | 5625 |
Phish archive radio | 1997-08-15 | Great Went Archive Radio | Limestone | ME | |
Phish | 1997-08-16 | Loring Air Force Base | Limestone | ME | 687 947 6090 11733 13130 22227 25554 105230 119821 128836 135332 146126 146127 |
Phish | 1997-08-16 | Loring Air Force Base (Disco Set) | Limestone | ME | 688 26164 86503 138139 |
Phish archive radio | 1997-08-16 | Great Went Archive Show #2 | Limestone | ME | |
Phish archive radio | 1997-08-16 | Great Went Archive Show #2 | Limestone | ME | |
Phish | 1997-08-17 | Loring Air Force Base | Limestone | ME | 686 689 10352 13474 14164 25555 105510 108553 124566 124565 128939 130465 135479 138140 146128 163498 |
Phish | 1997-10-10 | Kaplan Farmhouse | Bulington | VT | |
Phish | 1997-10-13 | A Farmhouse | Stowe | VT | |
Phish | 1997-11-07 | NBC Studios | New York | NY | 105615 |
Phish | 1997-11-13 | Thomas & Mack Center | Las Vegas | NV | 690 86537 113618 119453 123338 |
Phish | 1997-11-14 | E Center | West Valley | UT | 691 19968 125625 147635 150884 |
Phish | 1997-11-16 | McNichols Sports Arena | Denver | CO | 692 94298 119665 132465 |
Phish | 1997-11-17 | McNichols Sports Arena | Denver | CO | 693 694 94299 119477 121464 132464 147636 149468 |
Phish | 1997-11-19 | Assembly Hall, University Of Illinois | Champaign | IL | 695 696 1194 16628 19248 99148 112491 113762 116824 121490 137614 137615 147041 167033 |
Phish | 1997-11-21 | Hampton Coliseum | Hampton | VA | 697 8185 16623 86507 87303 89645 96345 104837 113697 116652 131319 132260 138629 150408 151605 |
Phish | 1997-11-22 | Hampton Coliseum | Hampton | VA | 698 8186 16622 22144 85280 86527 87374 91041 89665 111735 113698 116655 123146 123710 132261 138530 151606 |
Phish | 1997-11-23 | Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum | Winston-Salem | NC | 699 700 86496 113699 116649 123372 123829 137617 137618 151607 |
Phish | 1997-11-26 | Hartford Civic Center | Hartford | CT | 1318 22731 28329 32608 96443 116396 128679 131320 133812 133813 |
Phish | 1997-11-28 | Worcester Centrum | Worcester | MA | 701 2459 15963 18047 18562 95972 113764 116819 119998 124459 126322 128762 137348 152410 |
Phish | 1997-11-29 | Worcester Centrum | Worcester | MA | 702 17907 29111 32632 32631 116820 128764 |
Phish | 1997-11-30 | Worcester Centrum | Worcester | MA | 703 2289 27679 32630 35149 82354 116821 132809 137349 149548 149549 152732 |
Phish | 1997-12-02 | The Spectrum | Philadelphia | PA | 704 1680 7984 123730 123763 132321 132825 |
Phish | 1997-12-03 | The Spectrum | Philadelphia | PA | 705 8572 34890 89656 123764 123810 132324 |
Phish | 1997-12-05 | Convocation Center | Cleveland | OH | 2460 15663 16621 80764 112181 112492 150688 151608 165731 |
Phish | 1997-12-06 | The Palace | Auburn Hills | MI | 706 1939 31619 3211 1204 111050 112493 113774 123056 123735 134498 138349 138350 150986 167034 |
Phish | 1997-12-07 | Ervin J. Nutter Center | Dayton | OH | 707 708 709 12498 12669 16162 97425 112494 116992 123426 137361 138354 147309 151694 |
Phish Soundchecks | 1997-12-07 | Ervin J. Nutter Center Wright State University | Dayton | OH | 147470 |
Phish | 1997-12-09 | Bryce Jordan Center | State College | PA | 2290 18048 131468 150991 |
Phish | 1997-12-11 | War Memorial | Rochester | NY | 710 711 6045 6105 6231 13195 28445 79983 83522 83814 91050 95175 113950 147637 147673 148429 148562 |
Phish | 1997-12-12 | Pepsi Arena | Albany | NY | 712 713 34665 79984 83113 97322 134762 116350 116854 123791 127495 134509 137852 140878 147674 |
Phish | 1997-12-13 | Pepsi Arena | Albany | NY | 714 715 12743 34401 80924 113776 116351 116855 127496 132234 135248 137853 147675 168374 |
Phish | 1997-12-28 | Capital Centre | Landover | MD | 716 7103 22463 92589 118983 123818 137686 137685 140266 144753 |
Phish | 1997-12-29 | Madison Square Garden | New York | NY | 111213 717 3886 7104 7747 12744 12920 20155 95479 89268 105737 113798 116397 130971 135225 147638 165732 |
Phish | 1997-12-30 | Madison Square Garden | New York | NY | 718 720 7105 9551 13131 20154 89298 111214 116215 116352 135438 141661 141662 151609 165733 |
Phish | 1997-12-31 | Madison Square Garden | New York | NY | 721 722 2313 7807 8187 20153 111215 123827 123902 147676 165734 |
Phish | 1997-??-?? | Bittersweet Motel | N/A | N/A | |
Phish | 1997-??-?? | Phall Jams 97 Vol. 1-9 | Compilation | Compilation | 26852 |
Phish compilations | 1997-??-?? | PHRIED PHISH 1997 (U.S. Flavour) | Various | Various | |
Phish compilations | 1997-??-?? | Compilation | Compilation | Compilation | 137717 |
Phish compilations | 1997-??-?? | Compilation | Compilation | Compilation | 164428 |