SHNID 13130 Phish 1997-08-16
Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, ME

Summary (download all files)
Note: this SHN set fixed phasing problems in Set 2,E (d3,d4) but is the same source as the previously released full FM source; Set 1: FM > DAT; DAT@48kHz > Montego II+ @44kHz > Soundforge > CDWav > SHN; Set 2+3: FM > DA-P1; Fostex D5 > optical cable > HOSA ODL-276 > digi coax cable > EgoSys Waveterminal 2496 > CoolEdit 2000 (48>44.1kHz) > CDWav > mkwACT > SHN; Set 1 transferred by EP; Set 2 and 3 transferred by Jason Sobel; Note: Set 1 taken from previously circulated (3/26/00) source

Textdoc (download)
The Great Went, day 1
Limestone, ME

Set 1 source: FM > DAT

Transfer: 	DAT@48k->Montego II Plus@44k->HD via Soundforge->CDWav
transferred by: [EP]

Set 2 and 3 Source: FM > DA-P1

Transfer:	Fostex D5 -> optical cable -> HOSA ODL-276 ->
		digi coax cable -> EgoSys Waveterminal 2496 ->
		CoolEdit 2000 (48->44.1) -> CDWav -> mkwACT
transfered by: Jason Sobel

The first set of this source has previously circulated along with a FOB Schoeps recording
of the 2nd and 3rd sets.  My dat copy of set one had a cut in Makisupa, so I have combined
the two sources to make one complete FM source. Big thanks to Jason for transferring my dats!

Edits to this source:
- Normalized all sets to -1.86db (peak value of the loudest set)
- Cleaned up digispots @ 3:24 (0.12sec.), 6:03 (0.031sec.),
8:00-8:01 (3 d/o's of ~0.03sec.), 10:23 (0.06sec.)of Wolfman's Brother (d3t1) using SoundForge.
  (some are still noticeable)
- added fades at the beginning/end of each set
- corrected the phase of discs 3 & 4 Jon Wolf <>
Disc 1 (69:52)
-set 1-
1	Makisupa Policeman>		[06:29]
2	Harpua*				[06:17]
3	Chalk Dust Torture		[11:05]
4	Theme From the Bottom		[13:03]
5  	Punch You in the Eye>		[11:27]
6	Ghost				[16:38]
7	Ginseng Sullivan		[04:52]
Disc 2 (45:39)
-set 1 cont.-
1	You Enjoy Myself>		[24:14]
2	Trainsong			[02:49]
3	Character Zero			[07:38]
4	The Squirming Coil		[10:58]
Disc 3 (68:40)
-set 2-
1	Wolfman's Brother>		[18:53]
2	Simple**>			[10:42]
3	My Soul				[09:19]
4	Spacey Jam>			[02:48]
5	Slave to the Traffic Light	[13:52]
6	Rockytop			[02:19]
7	Julius				[10:47]
Disc 4 (75:18)
-set 3-
1	Halley's Comet>			[14:38]
2	Cities>				[11:24]
3	Llama>				[06:44]
4	Lawn Boy			[04:04]
5	Limb by Limb> 			[15:52]
6	Funky Bitch***			[08:57]
7	Contact>			[06:42]
8	Loving Cup			[06:55]

* starts with the theme and Jimmy story, picking up where the song stopped
last year at the Clifford Ball

** Theme from The Odd Couple tease/jam

*** major fireworks are let off behind the stage during the song, culminating
in a great finale display as Funky Bitch winds up.


Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Thu Nov 14 2002 18:14:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed May 17 2023 09:25:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

st5 (download)
;shntool st5 checksums generated by xACT 2.51 on 2023-05-16 11:45:51 +0000

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d2 (download)
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d3 (download)
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d4 (download)
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d1 (download)
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Users with this source
Name#Active (0-5)Top CollectionsLast Update
Eric Hall100852023-4-23
Timothy Henningsen244552023-4-23
Bill Conrad160352025-0-12
Jason Maneval44242023-4-23
Joe Rocha46832023-4-23
Richie Sasala38952023-4-23
Alex Souza14352023-4-23
Ben Mohr169952023-4-23
Jon Wolf5152023-4-23