SHNID 28445 Phish 1997-12-11
War Memorial, Rochester, NY

Summary (download all files)

Textdoc (download)
War Memorial
Rochester, NY
December 11, 1997

SBD + AUD Matrix Mix (60%-AUD/40%-SBD)

Set 1

01 [09:36] Punch You in the Eye >
02 [19:48] Down With Disease >
03 [14:57] Maze
04 [04:03] Dirt
05 [10:31] Limb By Limb
06 [07:08] Loving Cup >
07 [02:35] Rocky Top
TT [68:37]

Set 2

01 [21:02] Drowned >
02 [05:25] Roses Are Free* >
03 [08:09] Big Bad Furry Creature From Mars >
04 [16:01] Ghost >
05 [01:45] Down With Disease (Reprise) >
06 [09:32] Johnny B. Goode
07 [05:47] Waste
TT [67:40]

*Ween cover, first time played


Source Info

SBD: DSBD > Cass/0 > D8 (@44.1) - No EAC
Transfer: DA-20 > Delta Dio 2496 > SF 4.5 > CDWAV > SHN

Taper: Dan Haugh
AUD: FOB > Schoeps Mk4 > Sonosax > SBM-1 > TCD-D8
Location: 25th row left, standing on top of penalty box
(9 foot human mic stand)  Mics worn as schoeps bowtie
Transfer: DAT > CDRW700 > EAC > CDWAV > FLAC


Tech Notes

SHN/FLAC's decoded to wave and SF 6.0 was used to reassemble
the tracks back to 1 long wave.  CEP2.0 was used to align &
synch the SBD & AUD sources.  This is a 60% AUD, 40% SBD mix.
- Mixed by
- SHN conversion 12-DEC-2003 (1st)
- Remixed and SHN conversion 12-DEC-2004 (2nd)
- Artwork by 300dpi - For best results
print at the highest resolution onto glossy photo paper.
Design for use with a clear slim double jewel case.



In most situations I time correct the AUD source to match
the speed to the SBD source.  In this situation the AUD was
off DAT and the SBD was off a cassette.  I decided to use
the more time accurate source (DAT>AUD) and time corrected
the cassette SBD to match the speed on the AUD.

The SBD was recorder uneven; I decreased the levels 1db on
the right channel prior to mixdown.  I reduced the levels on
the FOB by -3db prior to mixdown.  This still resulted in a
60% AUD, 40% SBD mix.

SBD suffers from moderate distortion during PYITE, Ghost and
probably other spots.  As a commentary note, this is not one of
the best SBD recordings. Not bad, not great.  I would give this
B/B+ grade, for what that is worth.  The FOB is very nice.  A
real "in-your-face" recording with minimal crowd noise.  This
is the primary reason for the 60%-AUD / 40%-SBD ratio in the
matrix mix.  Whether you are a fan of AUD recordings or not I
suggest you check out the FOB.

02.294 missing on the SBD (cassette flip) btwn Maze and Dirt.
The FOB was trimmed 0:02.294 btwn 44:13.308 - 44:15.602 to
match.  The result is smooth and most likely undetectable.

D2T5 The cassette flip on set two was reported as having
overlapping material.  This was not the case.  The joining
together or splicing out the cassette flip did result in an
inaudible splice but material was definitely missing.  This
made for a bear of a project to synch to the FOB. Regardless,
the result is smooth and most likely undetectable.

D2T6 During the crowd cheer between the last song and the
encore you will hear commentary that "Mike Stanley is on the
stage". This is not referring to any special guest.  We ran
several FOB's this tour and the aspect of actually becoming a
human mic stand night after night turned into the nickname
"Mike Stanley".

Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Sat Mar 05 2005 08:35:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed May 17 2023 10:22:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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