Currently only interested in trading for SHN's or Video.
I trade 1 VHS tape for 4 CDs due to the cost of postage.
Grading scale:
A+ Mixed Well, No Hiss, Very few flaws (Anyone would be proud
to have this in their collection)
A/+ Great sounding shows with minor mix problems, no hiss
A noticeable flaws but still fun to listen to.
A- Probably better quality out there. For the completists.
B+ Anything B+ or lower, I usually don't post to list.
*I use Fuji exclusively, but will accept most HQ discs.
*I burn with a Yamaha CRW3200EZ and Nero burning software.
*I ALWAYS verify md5's and ask that you do also.
*Please do not write anywhere on the disc, insert a little piece of paper or something.
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 148 |