USAir Arena, Landover, MD
Summary (download all files)
AKG 460's w/ck61's (cards) > Teac DA-P20 > D10pro > Panasonic SV3700; Transfer: D8 > Montego II > CDWAVE, by Doug Nawrocki; Source via Pete Delgado
Textdoc (download)
Grateful Dead U.S. Air Arena Landover, MD 10.11.94 Source: AKG 460's w/ck61's (cards) > Teac DA-P20 > D10pro > Panasonic SV3700 Transfer: D8 > Montego II > CDWAVE Source via Pete Delgado. Transfer by Doug Nawrocki. ? CD 1/Set 1: 1. Crowd/Tuning 2. Picasso Moon 3. Jack A Roe 4. All Over Now 5. High Time 6. If the Shoe Fits 7. Lazy River Road 8. Easy Answers > 9. Deal ? CD 2/Set 2: 1. #Eyes of the World > 2. Women Are Smarter 3. Samba in the Rain 4. He's Gone > 5. *Jam/Drumz > ? CD 3: 1. Space > 2. China Doll > 3. Sugar Magnolia 4. E: Lucy in the Sky #Fades in *It's hard to determine where Jerry leaves, if he does at all it's only for a moment during Space.
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Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Feb 02 2001 19:42:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Sep 28 2009 17:34:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
shn-md5 (download)
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