I am a very easy person to get along with. Just be respectful and keep communication open. My list doesn't have a lot of shn's on it yet, but the ones that I do have have the disk amount for the shn's right after the shn in the media type closed in by (). Other than that just email me with any questions you may have about my list.
I am always looking to increase my collection so if you see anything in mine that you are interested feel free to question me about a trade. I would love to help you out if at all possible. I am a college student so sometimes things do get extremely crazy around here, but I'll let you know if I just have no time to do it.
My B&P Rules:
Please only quality CD-R's (ie. TDK, Fuji, Sony)
Please ship them in proper packaging.
Include proper postage.
And please give me note reminding me of what I am burning.
My Trade Rules:
The type of disk doesn't matter so long as it is not extremely cheap. I do have a couple shows that I can't play in my home stereo because they are so cheap, so as long as we communicate on what kind we trade it should be cool.
Please do not write on the disk, This irritates me.
And please, let me know if the trade is not DAO, I know I have some shows that are TAO, but I prefer DAO.
Please keep communication open. If it is going to be late, that is cool, but just let me know.
--I also have 5-29-03 Matt Nathanson, cdr(2)/shn(1), but it wont allow me to add it.
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 182 |
New List | 0 |