1. More Dead is good Dead. 2. I prefer SHN whenever possible. While I try to avoid trading CDR's due to the potential for generational issues, I will accept them if it's the only source available (see rule 1). I do use EAC (properly) when necessary on an UltraPlex WIDE to SCSI-3 HDD. 3. If you're just getting started I'd be happy to BnP tunes for you, provided that you follow the etree guidelines. Just ask. I will burn on whatever you send. 4. I'm currently burning Mitsui Gold on a Plextor 16 and 24. In trade I'll accept Fuji, Kodak, Mitsui (any TY), but absolutely NO SONY 650's, ever. Please. The top coating on all of these I've received have flaked off in places, making the discs unreadable (and these are discs which have been read once and stored). 5. I mail all trades in bubble mailers and caselogic(style) sleeves, and request at least some sort of sleeve. No fiber mailers, please. I've really enjoyed the trading I've done so far, and I look forward to the future. A HUGE thanks to Etree, what a sweet system!!
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All Performances | 708 |