-If you want to do a B&P, e-mail me first, and we can work it out. Make sure you read http://www.mcnichol.com/bnp if you're not sure how to do one.
-I'm mostly trading only SHN right now. (You can ask for audio if you want, I'm just mainly looking for SHN)
-I use silver fuji's and TDK's, I would prefer the same back.
-Please only 1 disc per sleeve. Obviously 2 discs can go in a 2 disc sleeve...(I'm suprised how many b&p's I get with 1 disc in a two sided sleeve)
-I won't write on your discs, please do the same.
-Communicate!!! Let me know if your behind or any other problems, as I will always do the same.
-Don't hesitate to let me know of any problems. If I can fix it, I will.
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 289 |
New List | 0 |