SHNID 17539 Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds 2003-03-26
Constant Convocation Center, Norfolk, VA
Summary (download all files)
Taper: Craig Willoughby
Source: Neumann SKM140 (ab) > Grace Designs V3 (16 bit ANSI, 44.1 mhz) > Sony M1
Floor 2 Row A, just left of center, 8 feet from stage/monitors
DAT > SHN: Sony M-1 > Emagic EMI 2|6 > Apple iBook > Sound Studio 2.0.7 > shn
Source: Neumann SKM140 (ab) > Grace Designs V3 (16 bit ANSI, 44.1 mhz) > Sony M1
Floor 2 Row A, just left of center, 8 feet from stage/monitors
DAT > SHN: Sony M-1 > Emagic EMI 2|6 > Apple iBook > Sound Studio 2.0.7 > shn
Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds 3-26-03 Norfolk, VA Taper: Craig Willoughby Source: Neumann SKM140 (ab) > Grace Designs V3 (16 bit ANSI, 44.1 mhz) > Sony M1 Floor 2 Row A, just left of center, 8 feet from stage/monitors DAT > SHN: Sony M-1 > Emagic EMI 2|6 > Apple iBook > Sound Studio 2.0.7 > shn DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3 OR OTHER LOSSY FORMATS Disc 1 01. Intro 02. Bartender 03. Where Are You Going? 04. When The World Ends 05. Two Step 06. Gravedigger 07. 08. The Maker 09. Help Myself Disk 2 01. #41 02. Grace is Gone 03. Satellite 04. Crush 05. DDTW 06. Timmy Solo 07. I'll Back You Up 08. Everyday Disk 3 01. Stone (can't help falling in love) 02. Jimi Thing (what will become of me) 03. Timmy Solo 04. Seek Up 05. Lie In Our Grave 06. Dancing Nancies Encore 07. Encore Intro 08. Ants Marching
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri May 30 2003 17:41:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri May 30 2003 17:41:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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