I'm not doing too many trades at this time because I'm busy but if you have some shows I really want then I'll set up a trade.Â
Basic Rules For Trading:
1.) If you contact me first, you send first. If I contact you, then I send first.
2.) Send emails back and forth to keep each other updated. Send a email each time for: setting up the trade, mailing it off, and getting it.
3.) Give it some time!!! I have other things in my life that seem to always get in my way (i.e. family, friends, boyfriend and a job). Also when I mail a trade off that doesn't mean it's going to be there in 5 seconds. Sometime the post office can be slow with delivering packages.
B&P (Blank & Postage) Trades:
If you have nothing to trade because you're new to this whole thing....go ahead and email me anyways to set up a trade.
There's 2 ways to do a B&P trade:
1.) Sending me blank media & money for shipping costs in the mail.
2.) Sending money for both the blank media & shipping costs.
You can send the money to me in the mail or by using Paypal.
Recording Speeds & Times:
My dvd recorder can record at 6 different speeds. I always make sure to record each dvd at the best speed. For your info here are the speeds and their times.
HQ = 1hr.
HSP = 1 1/2 hr.
SP = 2hr.
LP = 3hr.
EP = 4hr.
SLP = 6hr.
Marie (NINFNM)
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 400 |