Big IV Amph. Stg, Spirit of the Suwanee Music Park, Live Oak, FL

Set 1
One Set: A Go Go, Down The Tubes > Hanuman, Little Walter Rides Again, Drum Intro > Miles Behind, Julia, In Case The World Changes Its Mind#, Tootie Ma Is A Big Fine Thing*, Hottentot > Guitar Outro

Set 2

Set 3

Bear Creek Music & Arts Festival
One Set Only

# Roosevelt Collier - pedal steel guitar
* Johnny Vidacovich - drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1172432011-11-12Big IV Amph. Stg, Spirit of the Suwanee Music ParkLive OakFL
flac16; Source: Neumann TLM-170R (cardiod)> Grace Lunatec V-3 (Analog out)> Sound Device 722 (@ 24/48); Transfer via M-Audio Delta 192; Soundforge Pro (Mastering, edits and fades)> R8brain (Resample and Dither)> CD Wave (Tracking) > CK Rename > Flac Front End (Highest Setting)> BT Easy > Your ears
1201482011-11-12Big IV Amph. Stg, Spirit of the Suwanee Music ParkLive OakFL
flac16; Source: AKG c460b/ck8 (PAS) > Oade Concert Mod Edirol R-44 (24Bit/48KHz); Lineage: R-44 > SDHC > Adobe Audition 3.0 (Gain, Fades, Resample, MBIT+ Dither) > TLH > FLAC 16 (level 8); Location: Approx 8' High, FOB in Tapers Cage, Slightly Right of Center
1272762011-11-12Big IV Amph. Stg, Spirit of the Suwanee Music ParkLive OakFL
flac16; Neumann SKM-140 > Edirol R-44 24/48 > ? > 16/44 WAV > FLAC (FOB)
Created At
Tue Nov 22 2011 12:13:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Nov 22 2011 12:13:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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