Tarrytown Music Hall, Tarrytown, NY

Set 1
Improv > Chantes Des Femmes > Dollar Pants, Baby Goats, Junkyard, Amber Gris

Set 2
Big Time > Walk Back > Drum Solo > Wonton, Bass Solo > Padrecito, Fuck You Guys

Encore: Baby Let Me Follow You Down

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1107202010-11-14Tarrytown Music HallTarrytownNY
flac16; Source: AKG ck1~> c460b~> Silver T's~> Busman Mod PMD660; Location/Configuration: Row H, Seat 106 & 107; APPROX 30' From The Stage; Bodies @ 80* , Caps Spaced 10"; Editing: Soundforge 8: Pencil Tool- Minimize Unruly Spikes; Tracked In CDWAVE; Flac'd In Traders Little Helper; Tagged In Foobar 2000 With Live Show Tagger
1107782010-11-14Tarrytown Music HallTarrytownNY
flac16; Source: AKG-391 (front row of balcony, dead center) -> Samson Mixpad -> Sony M-1 DAT(m). Master DAT playback: Sony R500 -> Sound Devices 722 digital input (@24/48); Mastered: Soundforge Pro 10.0b - *All file manipulation in Soundforge done at 24 bits*. Volume normalization, sample rate conversion 48khz to 44.1khz using iZotope 64-Bit SRC set higher than "Highest Quality" setting w/anti-alias filter, then dithered back to 16 bits using using iZotope MBIT+ with Ultra noise shaping, High dither settings. Tracked in CDWav
1107792010-11-14Tarrytown Music HallTarrytownNY
flac16; Source: Neumann TLM-170 (cardoids, front row of balcony, dead center) -> Sound Devices 722 (@24/96); FLAC File processing in SoundForge 10.0b (volume normalization; resample to 44.1 with iZotope 64-Bit SRC set higher than "Highest Quality" setting w/anti-alias filter; 24->16 bit dither using iZotope MBIT+ Dither with Ultra noise shaping, High dither settings); Tracked in CDWav.
1144022010-11-14Tarrytown Music HallTarrytownNY
flac16; Schoeps mk22~> kc5~> cmc6~> fostex fr2le with oade mod@48-24 (Row H, Seat 106 & 107, APPROX 30' From The Stage, Caps Spaced 12.5", Angle Of 80 degrees); R8brain for 24bit/48kHz to 16bit/44.1KHz conversion > Tracked In CDWAVE > Flac'd In Traders Little Helper > Tagged In Foobar2000 With Live Show Tagger; Taped & transferred by Todd Turmel
Created At
Wed Nov 24 2010 23:03:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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