Grateful Dead 1991-09-26
Boston Garden, Boston, MA

Set 1
Jack Straw
Cold Rain & Snow
Wang Dang Doodle
Mexicali Blues >
Cumberland Blues
Picasso Moon
Box Of Rain

Set 2
Dark Star >
Saint Of Circumstance >
Eyes Of The World >
Drums >
Space >
The Other One >
Dark Star >
Attics Of My Life >
Good Lovin'

Brokedown Palace >
We Bid You Good Night

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Vince Welnick - Keyboards
Bruce Hornsby - Piano, Accordion
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
760501991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Dat -> Cassette Master (TDK SA100) Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Sony TC-WE475) -> Apogee MiniMe -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
848521991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; AUD Source: Schoeps CMC3/MK4 (ORTF) > unknown power supply > Panasonic SV-255 (lead deck) > Coax SPDIF > Casio DA-7 Dat (first deck out) > Agfa Dat tape. Mics on 7-foot stand secured to hockey-wall at end of floor, behind lighting board, in the center. Transfer: MAD > Sony TCD-D10P > Coax SPDIF > Audiophile 2496 > Soundforge (at 48kHz) > CD-Wave > R8Brain v1.9 (downsample to 44.1kHz) > TLH > FLAC. Taped and transferred (May 2007) by Andrew F.
848531991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16/48; AUD Source: Schoeps CMC3/MK4 (ORTF) > unknown power supply > Panasonic SV-255 (lead deck) > Coax SPDIF > Casio DA-7 Dat (first deck out) > Agfa Dat tape. Mics on 7-foot stand secured to hockey-wall at end of floor, behind lighting board, in the center. Transfer: MAD > Sony TCD-D10P > Coax SPDIF > Audiophile 2496 > Soundforge (at 48kHz) > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC. Taped and transferred by Andrew F.
942471991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Sennheiser ME-80's>Technics SV-MD1 DAT Master>Tascam DA-30MKII>Sound Devices 702>Wavelab 5(Fades, Sample Rate Conversion)>CDWAV>FLAC Recorded, Transferred & Uploaded By Keith Litzenberger
952471991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (FLAC>AIFF>Final Cut>WAV>FLAC)
955341991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Dat -> Cassette Master (TDK SA-X100); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Sony TC-WE475) -> Apogee MiniMe (24bit/48k) -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC/16; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
1014431991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Lineage: Master DAT Recording Equipment: B&K 4011 110º ORTF > Neumann BS 48i-2> Modified Sony TCD D-10 Pro Recording Location: FOB Section BB Row 18 Seat 15 Recorded by James Young and Clay Brennecke Transfer: 16 bit – 48kHz DAT Master > TASCAM DA-20 (SPDIF out) -> LynxTWO-B Audio Reference Interface (SPDIF in) -> Wavelab 6.0 Editing and Mastering: Jamie Waddell on the GEMS Edit Station Weiss Saracon for 16 BIT – 44.1kHz SRC and POWR-3 Dither
348511991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16/48; Set 2 only - DAUD FOB B&K 4011 B&Ks on mic stand from Sec. BB Row 18 Seat 15 recorded by Clay Brennecke > Modified Sony D10 Pro > DAT (1) > TASCAM DA-20 > M-Audio FireWire solo > Soundforge 8.0 wav > Adobe Audition 1.5* 48kHz > flac (8)
348521991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Set 2 only - DAUD FOB B&K 4011 B&Ks on mic stand from Sec. BB Row 18 Seat 15 recorded by Clay Brennecke > Modified Sony D10 Pro > DAT (1) > TASCAM DA-20 > M-Audio FireWire solo > Soundforge 8.0 wav > Adobe Audition 1.5* 44kHz > flac (8)
15751991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
SBD> MC> DAT> CDA; high pitched buzz (9200hz- 10200hz) throughout the show removed with a 30% notch filter; via Jay Ashley; etreed; presumably identical source to abgd copy, but md5s differ
212421991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
SBD(1)>DAT>CD>EAC>CDWAVE>MKWACT>SHN This may be a digital soundboard. There is no wow and flutter in Eyes of the World as existed in older versions of the 9/26/91 SBD. Thanks to an old friend Dougal Donaldson for providing me with the source DATS some years back. Listener reports probably one cassette generation. Transfers and conversions all done by JR Fishman
1015431991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Matrix of Soundboard (shnid 95534) and Front of Board Audience (shnid 101443) -> Matrix by Amdig
1020671991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
DTS Audio 5.1; Mix of SBD (shnID = 95534) SBD > DAT > CD > EAC > SHN; Via A. Kowalski and AUD (shnID = 101443) FOB Digital Audience Recording
1217581991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac24; Master Audience Recorded By JB, Transfer By Keo; Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns>Sony TC-D5M; Tapes:Set 1 Maxell MX 100, set 2 3M Black Watch 4040 100; Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1>Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz; Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion/Flacked With AudioGate Software To 24 Bit/96 kHz; Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1217591991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Master Audience Recorded By JB, Transfer By Keo; Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns>Sony TC-D5M; Tapes:Set 1 Maxell MX 100, set 2 3M Black Watch 4040 100; Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1>Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz; Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion With AudioGate Software To 32/96 kHz Wave; Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44; SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper; Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1247581991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac24; Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Currier, Transfer By Keo; AKGC451/CK1's > AKG 9V Phantom Power Supply > Marantz PDM-430 > Dolby B, Tapes Maxell MX-s 100's; Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1 > No Dolby > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz; Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion/Flacked With AudioGate Software To 24 Bit/96 kHz; Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1247591991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Currier, Transfer By Keo; AKGC451/CK1's > AKG 9V Phantom Power Supply > Marantz PDM-430 > Dolby B, Tapes Maxell MX-s 100's; Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1 > No Dolby > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz; Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion With AudioGate Software To 32/96 Wave; Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44; SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper; Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1381521991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; DSBD Masters DAT-> Panasonic SV-3700-> SP/DIF-> RME Fireface UC-> USB 2.0-> Hewlett-Packard EliteBook 8460p-> Adobe Audition 3.0.1; Beta Sony L-750ESX-HFB Dynamicron EXCELLENT SUPER HIFI VIDEO CASSETTE-> Sony SLO-1800 STEREO VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDER-> Sony PCM-601ESD DIGITAL AUDIO PROCESSOR-> SP/DIF-> Mytek Stereo 192 Sample Rate Converter-> Upsampled to 44.1kHz/24bit->SP/DIF-> RME FIREFACE 800-> FireWire 400-> Lenovo K450e Desktop PC-> WaveLab 6.11; Mastering and editing by acetboy on Pro Tools LE; 16 bit 48 kHz FLAC8 SBE Free March 2017
1398741991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16/48kHz; source: daud; neumann rsm 190iS > sony tcd-d10 pro; taped by Dan Liff r.i.p; transferred & seeded - Rob Berger
1485851991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Source:DAK Shotgun Mics>Sony WM-D6C Cassette Master>1 Maxell XL-II-S Tapes (1 90 Minute For 1st Set,1TDK SA-X 100 Minute Tape For 2nd Set)>Sony TC-D5M Cassette Deck (Playback)>Edirol R-09 HR (34/44.1 KHZ)>Cd Wav Editor>Traders Little Helper> Flac Level 8.Sector Boundaries Aligned Using Traders Little Helper; Taped By Dave Boedicker, Official Taper Section, Section U, Row E,Seat 7
1487271991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16/48kHz; Source: Set I Neumann TLM 170 > Oade Custom Pre Amp > Panasonic SV-255 > Master DAT; Set II Neumann KMi86 > Oade Custom Pre Amp > Panasonic SV-255 > Master DAT; Transfer: Master DAT > Sony PCM r500 > Tascam DA-3000 > wav 16/48; Master Digital Audience recording by Tim Dalton; Transfer by Charlie Miller; Edited & Mastered w/ Adobe Audition by Joe Noel
1495531991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac24; Recording Info: SBD > Cassette Master (TDK SA-X100); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6MHz) > dBpoweramp > Adobe Audition CC 2015 > Samplitude Pro X4 Suite > FLAC/24
1496621991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16; Recording Info: SBD > Cassette Master (TDK SA-X100); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6MHz) > dBpoweramp > Adobe Audition CC 2015 > Samplitude Pro X4 Suite > FLAC/24, This file set is 16 bit @ 44.1
1534221991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac16/44 A Photoleon Matrix: Source: (fob) B&k 4011> Master Dat + (ots) Neumann Tlm 170> Master Dat + Sbd (dat). Fob Recording By James Young & Clay Brennecke. Ots Recording By Tim Dalton. Sbd Shared By Po & Stucco Tina Holmes. Matrix Created By Joe Noel August 12, 2021
1567411991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac1648 Source: Sennheiser ME88's > Sony TCD-D3 > DAT Master (48k) - recorded by Dan Rogosa. Transfer: DAT > Tascam DA-40 > Tascam DA-3000 > wav 16/48 - Transferred by Charlie Miller. Lineage: wav > iZotope RX9 Advanced > CD Wave > flac 16/48
1564651991-09-26Boston GardenBostonMA
flac1648 Source: Sennheiser ME88's > Sony TCD-D3 > DAT Master (48k) - recorded by Dan Rogosa. Transfer: DAT > Tascam DA-40 > Tascam DA-3000 > wav 16/48 - Transferred by Charlie Miller. Lineage: wav > iZotope RX9 Advanced > CD Wave > flac 16/48 EDited and mastered SIRMick April 2022
Created At
Fri Apr 24 2020 09:35:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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