trade w/anyone who can peak my curiosity or interest. i'll trade either audio or .shn format, but .shn is preferred for obvious space-saving reasons. if trading .shn's, make SURE to include .md5 & info.txt files the ".shn disc" notation means that i've got the .shn's archived to cd. if you inquire about a show, i will let you know whether these .shn's were EAC'd by me, or whether i've d/l'ed them. if i have EAC'd a show to obtain .shn's for trading, i will always include the EACLogfile. i trade on kodak silvers & expect something comparable in return.

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances115
one & only5

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
1970-10-04Grateful Dead4942
1972-09-09Grateful Dead32036
1979-12-01Grateful Dead29429
2009-12-18Greyboy Allstars