No mp3's, or mp3-sourced shows, please. If they are, tell?me.
I don't have any artwork, so don't ask.
All?trades will be expected to use name brand CDs. Mitsui and Taiyo Yuden are?Japanese manufacturers of high quality CD-Rs. They sell under their own name and brand names like FujiFilm, HP, Philips, Sony and TDK. Be careful, the big-name brands also use cheap Taiwan plants like Ritek and CMC, so it must say ?Made in Japan? on the package or disc to be Mitsui or TY. (Please no FujiFilm discs with ugly color swirls.) If you need to buy blanks and unbranded blanks are available, then pick the unbranded (= made without a printed logo on the disc), available online at American-Digital. Otherwise, branded are fine. Best Buy, Circuit City and Office Max usually have grade A branded discs. Please, no Taiwan-made discs!
Use CDR Identifier (freeware) to see who manufactured any blank.
Look here for CDR quality and general info.
DO NOT write on the CDs (paper slips or Post-It notes fine).?I'm sure your penmanship is wonderful, but I have my own?method of labeling and organizing my shows. It's a simple request, so please follow it. When doing trades, I trade disc-for-disc, not show-for-show; keeping the disc count equal. Ship all CDs in sleeves and bubble-wrap envelopes. DO NOT use fiber mailers!??????????
Burn shows DAO (disc-at-once), no?2 second gaps?or cross-fades. If you're not familiar with this, ask me. If your shows are TAO or FDAO, let me know up front.?????????
B&Ps are expected to follow the procedures as written on
I am not too picky with respect to trading rules, just be honest and up front. If you contact me for a trade, I will wait until I receive your discs before I send out mine. I'm not being rude, just been burned a few times. Good communication throughout the trade is appreciated.?????
Always intrested in trading and will almost always do a b&p for you, just ask. If you don't have any shows that interest me, you may request a 2:1 trade (you send two blank CD-Rs for each one you would like returned). I accept 2:1?s on a limited basis.
1)????? All 2:1 trades must be made with grade A media.
2)????? Include a list of the CDs, your email address, an address label and loose stamps (no metered postage). I will re-use the original packaging.
?Specify what format you want; cdr, shn or flac
I've been trying to list the source info for my shows, and if I have it, it's shown. Most of my shows are in audio(cdr) format so the source info was never given.
I'm in the process of re-evaluating my shows for audio quality, as I'm becoming more critical of the quality rating I had assigned my shows in the past. This will be ongoing and you can always ask if the rating is current.
Sound grades are very subjective, but generally:????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
A+ = excellent soundboard recording,?A =?very good soundboard recording, A- =?good?soundboard?or very good audience recording,?B+ = good audience recording, B =?ok audience recording,?B-,?C = not? for most , but some people don't care
Again these depend on my mood and what I have taken to alter that mood. I do not pretend to know every detail for all my shows. When I hear a fault , I write it down. If I have missed some, please, relax. This is supposed to be fun, so let's keep it that way. Keep in mind that this is only a hobby and that I do have a life outside of this. I'm fairly prompt at getting my shows out in a timely manner, and I request the same.
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 227 |