1. Will ocasionally do a few 2:1 blank trades if you have nothing I am interested in

2. Please try to use Disc At Once

3. Please send cases (Full size preferred / Slimline is fine) and artwork if you have it. I will try to do the same. I often make my own (albeit simple) artwork if none is available

4. Please inform if items on your trade list is sourced from mp3. I will do the same.

5. Enjoy the music!

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances7

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
2000-04-24Flaming Lips
2003-04-08Pearl Jam
2003-04-11Pearl Jam
2003-05-02Pearl Jam
2003-05-03Pearl Jam
2003-06-15Pearl Jam
2002-11-14The Motet