***THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT*** Always make sure you rip each show to your hard drive and then write using EAC, Nero, etc. - please let me know if you do not know what this means or if you are unsure on how to do this (I will help you)
~Please send name brand, high quality discs since that is what I'll be sending you (i.e. Fuji, Sony, TDK)
~I will ONLY accept shows that are SEAMLESS DAO, NONE that are TAO OR FORCED DAO!! If I receive shows that aren't DAO and I didn't know about it, I will ask for a reburn or blanks back
~PLEASE do not write on any discs but try to label them somehow (post-its, index cards, whatever)
~If you are unfamiliar with how a B+P works, please refer here:
~Please make sure you put enough postage on the return envelope and also be sure that you use STAMPS
~Try to have your package in the mail within 7 days of me emailing you but if this is impossible, just let me know and we'll work it out
~I do not do trades or B+P's for any INCOMING shows
~All of my shows are seamless DAO unless otherwise noted
~Remember to keep in touch and let me know if you are running behind:
**Thanks so much for the trade/B+P!! :)**
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 96 |