I DO NOT sell anything under any circumstances. Any requests for selling will not be answered. I will do 2 for 1's and B&P's. I will do B&P's for up to 4 discs. My trade ratios: 1 CD-1 CD, 2 CD's-1 VHS, 1 CD-1 cassette. I prefer Japan CD-R's but will accept others. Some of the current brands I will accept are: TDK, Fuji, Imation, Sony, Maxell (preferably Maxell audio) and Memorex. I will trade for cassettes if you have something really rare or that I really want. I prefer Type II cassettes. I primarily trade only Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham, Rick Vito and Christine McVie. I will trade other artists from time to time. If I trade for artists other than FM & related members a setlist MUST accompany the discs. I have all setlists for FM & related members on my site. I ask that if I am contacted for a trade by someone I have never traded with before that the individual who contacts me send first. I will mail my end of the trade once I have received the discs. Always burn shows DAO. I will accept shows burned TAO but I prefer them to not have the gaps. I do not send artwork along with my discs. I do have some available on my site. Make sure the discs are adequately protected during shipping.

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances26
Christine McVie0
Fleetwood Mac24
Lindsey Buckingham0
Rick Vito1
Stevie Nicks1

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
2000-04-25Rick Vito