Welcome to my trading page. B&P: Open Trade: Open Please read the following before requesting a trade or B&P: I am always willing to help a newbie get their collection started as long as my schedule permits. I will get you started with two shows from my list ? e-mail me with what you are interested in and we can go from there. GUIDELINES FOR SETTING UP A B&P WITH ME: (Please review them thoroughly) 01. Ship out your package to me in the timeframe we agree upon. If you do not, I will not help you out. Sorry if this is strict, but I offer B&Ps when I have the time ? if you wait 2 weeks to get your package out, I might not have the time by then. I expect you to get the package out within 2 days of receiving my B&P offer unless other arrangements are made. 02. Ship via the U.S. Postal Service only and use padded, protective envelopes. Always use protective sleeves for the CD-Rs as well. DO NOT USE JEWEL CASES! 03. Make sure your return package has the appropriate postage. Do not send money, I don?t want to have to go to the post office for you. DO NOT USE METERED MAIL - sometimes the post office will not accept it because the date on the postage doesn't match the date I'm dropping it off with them to be sent back to you. 04. E-mail me the day you send out the package. 05. Since the CD-Rs will be going back to you, I don?t particularly care what kind you use, but I do not recommend using a generic brand. All major brands (TDK, Memorex, Sony, Verbatim, etc.) seem to work fine. 07. Confirm for me via e-mail the day you SEND the package and the day you RECEIVE the package back from me. I keep close track of all my trades/B&Ps and I need to know when to expect your package and when you've received it and the transaction is complete. 08. If you listen to the shows and there are any problems with what I sent you, please contact me. (dmb2stepjam@yahoo.com) I always do the same and expect any mistakes to be fixed. Bad copies and stuff like that happen, but how you take care of it is what makes you a good or bad trader. Finally, if you have any further questions or concerns that I haven't addressed above please refer to the following: http://www.mcnichol.com/bnp/ or send me an email with your question. GUIDELINES FOR SETTING UP A TRADE WITH ME: (Of course you can expect the same from me unless you specify otherwise.) 1. DO ship out my shows to me in the timeframe we agree upon. If you do not, I will not trade with you again. 2. DO ship via the U.S. Postal Service only and use padded, protective envelopes. Always use protective sleeves for the CD-Rs as well. 3. DO e-mail me the day you send out my package. 4. DO NOT trade IEM (In Ear Monitor) shows. This is against the most band?s policy and jeopardizes the world of taping and trading. 5. DO burn the shows DAO (disk at once) ? if you don?t know what this means, ask me, I don?t want any TAO shows. 6. DO let me know the sound quality of the show and if there are any glitches to point out. I am only looking for A quality shows unless I am really looking for something specific. 7. DO include Taper/Source info. Please make it clear ahead of time if you do not have this information. 8. DO NOT use generic brand CD-Rs. I prefer you use TDK, Memorex or Sony. 9. DO NOT write directly on the discs ? please use a post-it note or the like to identify which disc is which. 10. DO confirm for me via e-mail the day you receive my package. 11. DO contact me after you listen to the shows if there are any problems with what I sent you. I will for sure do the same and expect any mistakes to be fixed. Bad copies and stuff like that happen, but how you take care of it is what makes you a good or bad trader. I feel I have been strict when rating my shows ? the letter rating you see is a rating for SOUND quality. In the Comments column is where I will try to point out any glitches I find so that you know exactly what you are a getting, but if you have any questions at all, please ask me. I have some A+ recordings that might have a very slight glitch or two that I would hate for you to pass up the show over. Again, just ask if you have questions or issues with any of my shows. I like everyone to be happy with the trade and enjoy the music!

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances378

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #