JW Anderson - JW Anderson's Trade List
I am in the process of moving my trade list to db.etreedb.org. So not all CDR shows are here yet. If you are interested in shows on cassette, you can find all my shows at http://www.jwsrockgarden.com/jw05list.htm. I can turn-a-round trades in approximately 72 hours. I ship CDs with set lists and cover art, if available. I use fujifilm CDRs exclusively and expect the same in return All trade offers will be considered, if I have the time. Finally, I do not make discs for newbies, but I will relent on occasion, so ask. Thanks JW Anderson

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances102
JW Anderson's Trade List1

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
1976-11-26Hot Tuna