1. My burner doesn't really have any troubles burning?any certain type of disks, so pretty much any brand name disks?I?will be accepting. I can trade either for audio cds, or lossless cds(flac,shn etc), depending on what we set up in the trade.

2. Lets try to keep cpmmunication throughout the entire trade, hopefully we stay on the same page. Let me know if you will be sending by airmail, or surface mail that way i can do the same.

3. I will be expecting replacements if there are alot of pops or clicks or 2 second gaps UNLESS they are on the original disk you burned them from too. If i?sent a faulty disk like that, i too will be replaceing it.

4. I have?just started collecting DVDs, so please ask about trading those to. I can trade DVDs for audio, usually at?3 CDs to 1 DVD, but some days i go 2:1, depending what kind of a mood i am in.?But don't worry, if i am in a bad mood, it won't be 4:1 =). ?

5.I will rarly say no to a B&P, unless I am really tied down. It won't hurt to ask, I don't mind helping a trader to start a collection.

This is my list of both DVDs and VCDs. Same rules as Audio. Audio is at http://etree.org/pinball9

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances121
Audio and Lossless90
DVD videos5

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
1939-??-??Led Zeppelin
1977-07-17Led Zeppelin
1990-06-14Rolling Stones
1997-09-23Rolling Stones
1976-11-06The Eagles