Welcome to my music list!

I'm Always looking for more music -- especially bluegrass -- to add to my collection.

If I have something you want, just ask.  Trades are my favorite way to go, but I'm happy to do b&p's.

One request if we're doing a trade:  when labeling, please avoid writing on cd's.  I'd prefer you insert a piece of paper or sticky note with each disk so I can do the writing.

I will be forever grateful to a few select folks who helped me get my music collection started back in the day. Thanks to them and all the other folks who offer b&p's without expecting anything in return!

"Jamming isn't just everybody mindlessly going 'blah.' It's action and reaction and a musical conversation where you're listening to your fellow musicians and they're listening to you."

- John Bell (Widespread Panic)

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances311
New List0

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #