PLEASE READ THESE FIRST. MOSTLY PAINLESS!! All the normal rules apply. If you don't know them check out this site : B+P instructions!! Please use quality discs. If you are unsure what this means...ASK! If I have a show listed as SHN, it naturally avaible in AUD format as well. Just specify which you want. Also...please ask how many disks the AUD format is. Sometimes it needs an extra disc than the SHN format. If a show is not listed as an A+, reasoning for this can be found under technotes. Please note that TAO and F-DAO doesn't cause a show to be less than A+. For all future trades, I'm only accepting DMB shows in SHN format. I've gotten too much crap recently. If you can't trade SHN, I'm happy to hook ya up with a B+P.. For all other bands, I'd prefer SHN, but I realize this isn't always around. If the trade is for an AUD show, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure it is Seamless DAO. I have enough TAO and F-DAO to last a while. Again, if you don't know what I'm talking about, please ask. Be honest. If you can't send when you biggie. Just let me know.. If I have anything else to say about a show (incoming, special guests, TAO Trade Status: Closed B+P Status: Closed I'm gonna work though all my B+P's and trades, then go on a converting binge. Once I get all my SHN's done, look for some new offers.

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances413

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #