Please follow the typical rules adhered to by most when doing a b&p: 1. I prefer to trade in SHN format. 2. If you sign up for a B+P send the discs! 3. NO metered postage for return envelopes. 4. IMPORTANT: Include a note in the package with your name, e-mail address and which show(s) I'm burning for you, it helps keep me organized! Not including a note can significantly delay communication with you and return of your shows. 5. If you have any problems at all with a show, let me know. I will do everything in my power to rectify the situation. Right now I am looking for anything from Ben Folds, Ben Folds Five, Counting Crows, Jack Johnson, or Tom Petty that I don't have on my list. Last but not least: Pass the music on!

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances569

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
2001-05-09Dave Matthews Band
2003-03-24Jason Mraz