Bren - comingsoon

Effective September 14, 2004 I have switched to SHN/FLAC (lossless)?trading. Getting bad shows has finally gotten to me... Unless SHN's are not in circulation for a show (i.e. Petty) I will not trade for audio.? In addition, I will be liquidating most of the audio that I have so if you see this and want a show(s) holler and I will be more than happy to b&p my original copies.

* SHN/FLAC is much preferred but if it is audio it MUST BE SEAMLESS DAO.? If not I expect that you will re-burn/replace.? Everyone makes mistakes, good traders fix them willingly.

* I do not attest to be an expert in grading quality.? I base the sound rating on the entire listeing expereience (i.e. clarity, crowd, etc.).? A soundboard is obviosluly going to get a better grade than a stealth so keep that in mind.

* I can not trade any type of video at this time as I do not have a?DVD burner or multiple VCRs.?

* Click on the show date for all sorts of information (i.e. taper name, coments about set and quality, how many discs audio, etc.)!!

PLEASE- Excuse my list, this is a major work in progress while I switch over to SHN and liquidate old shows and add new ones.? Hopefully, someday soon it will be cleaned up.??

Thanks to the tapers!!!

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances203
New List0

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