1) NO MP3s or MP3 sourced shows please. Burning in DAO is a must!
2) Send cds in sleeves, safely packed, not jewel cases
3) Please mention what brand media you use when proposing a trade. I'm not overly picky on brands, but I'd like to get back the same or similar.
4) Being timely is key.
5) Never write on cds. Include a post-it note with date/details
6) Source info/artwork is appreciated whenever possible.

All other details can be worked out when a trade is proposed. Thanks :)

***B&P Info***

B&Ps are welcome.... e-mail me! Please check out http://www.mcnichol.com/bnp/ before e-mailing me. Please also take note that I live in the Philippines so international postage may suck....but you are all welcome! :)

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances361

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