Zappa Penguin - The Fredhead Collection


It turns out the email address I had associated with db.etree had died an embarrassingly long time ago. If by some stroke of luck you tried to contact me previously and are once more browsing this page, please try the current email address!




  • King Crimson

ever since Decaln Colgan went all medieval back in August 2008, it's been impossible to find any good King Crimso-ROIOs.


  • MAN

I have one show and desire so much more - particularly from the pre-reunion period.


  • Uncirculated Frank Zappa

I have pretty much every show that's been known to circulate, but if you or a buddy taped a show back in the day, I'd be honored to trade for it!


  • Krautrock of any sort

Can, Neu, early Kraftwerk - you name it, famous, infamous, or completely unknown, if you have it, I want it.


Update Status: Way out of date.
Medium: I prefer to trade in .FLAC - one DVD takes about the same time to burn as one CD, and contains about ten times the amount of music. I can do CD-R in certain situations, but be warned that it may take me quite some time.
Media: I'm not too picky, as long as it works.
Etc: This list is abhorrantly out of date, but possibly serves as a reasonable clue as to the sort of bands I have shows for - if there's something you're looking for (particularly Zappa) shoot me a line and I'll be happy to dig through the archives for you.


There exists a gentleman by the internet name of "fredheadset". The man is a non-stop tape recording machine. If a show was played on Dutch radio between the late 70s and mid 1990s, odds are he taped it. Ditto for a goodly amount of concerts not played on Dutch radio. The below is a list of everything I've received from him. Quite a goodly amount of goodies here.

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances526
Frank Zappa (and occasionally the MOI)209
The Fredhead Collection0

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