To view my list, please selct a list from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page.

  • A Few Rules:
    • Trading preference is FTP (I have a server), dc hubs, or bittorrent using .shn or .flac files.
      I will also do CD-R/ DVD-R trades via snail-mail.
    • I will do B&P's as time permits, but please don't ask for more than 1 show.
    • Please use Exact Audio Copy (learn more here) if extracting/burning audio discs.
    • Do not write on the CD-R itself, nor apply post it notes on the CD-R itself. Please use tyvek sleeves or envelopes and write on those or put the post it on the outside of these. You can also write on the inside clear center of the CD-R.
    • Do not burn TAO -- The show must be burned using Disc-At-Once (DAO). Gaps between tracks, (TAO), is unacceptable.
    • Do not burn "On-the-Fly" b/c this can result in digi-pops.
    • Do not use unbraded, crappy-ass generic CD-Rs. Please use Mitsui, Fuji, Sony, Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim, Imation , etc.
    • MP3 sourced discs are UNACCEPTABLE!
    • If you send me an unacceptable disc due to any of the aforementioned reasons, I will ask for a reburn or for blanks back.
    • I would like to have the source info whenever possible & let me know ahead of time if there's anything worth mentioning about a certain show, ie, diginoise, blips, skips, etc.
  • Current Trading Interests:
    • I want any Tori Amos shows I don't have, preferably ones that may not have been circulated before.
    • Tool soundboard-sourced shows.
  • Recording Gear:
    • Recorder: Sony DAT - D100
    • Microphones: Sound Pros Cardiods - Tt16
    • Battery Box: Sound Pros Slim Premium Battery Module w. Bass Roll-off -SBSP-1
  • Upcoming Shows that I will be Taping:
    • 06.13.05 -Modes Mouse - Atlanta, GA
Select list from drop-down menu:

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances822
*Entire List*821
My Masters27
Only Audio744
Only Video77
Tori Amos594

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #