Basic Rules apply
-Be honest about show quality
-I will trade and B&P almost anything from my collection, if you're nice!
-Please let me know if there will be any delays in trades I expect UK trades to take no longer than a week and US to take 2 - 3 Weeks
-Tracklists are not necessary
-Dates, Venues and Artists are obviously very necessary
-I try to trade with brand name CD-Rs - Imation, Memorex, etc
-Due to the cost of DVD-Rs I do not mind the brand of DVD e.g. Tesco etc
-I can accept Paypal for people too lazy to use traditional B&P methods
-Always say thank you!


List NamePerformance Count
All Performances42

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
1998-07-04White Stripes
1999-02-03White Stripes
1999-04-11White Stripes
1999-09-10White Stripes
1999-09-16White Stripes
2000-12-15White Stripes
2001-02-17White Stripes
2001-04-17White Stripes
2001-06-03White Stripes
2001-07-25White Stripes
2001-09-14White Stripes
2001-11-02White Stripes
2001-11-10White Stripes
2001-11-23White Stripes
2002-03-13White Stripes
2002-04-08White Stripes
2002-05-22White Stripes
2002-06-08White Stripes
2002-07-12White Stripes
2003-04-20White Stripes
2003-11-16White Stripes
2003-11-19White Stripes
2003-12-20White Stripes
2003-??-??White Stripes
2004-01-27White Stripes
2004-01-30White Stripes
2004-08-24White Stripes
2005-05-14White Stripes
2005-06-01White Stripes
2005-06-10White Stripes
2005-06-24White Stripes
2005-07-03White Stripes
2005-07-28White Stripes
2005-08-14White Stripes
2005-08-24White Stripes
2005-08-27White Stripes
2005-08-29White Stripes
2005-09-13White Stripes
2005-09-25White Stripes
2005-10-01White Stripes
2005-11-09White Stripes
2006-03-06White Stripes