{rules} Please be responsive if we are arraigning a trade - good communication is much appreciated. I trade mainly in the form of data disks (either cdr or dvd) with SHN or FLAC files, but if it's something on my want list, I will take audio - I will send you either format. I mainly collect shows by any artist that has a Neil Young cover that I don't have. I will send my list of covers upon request.

If you have a Neil Young cover show and don't have high bandwidth and\or don't see anything you like on my list, I would be happy to download any show from the Etree Archive site to trade with you.

I usually use Fujifilm or TDK cdr blanks, and TDK or Memorex DVD blanks.

If You're into Neil Young covers yourself, please check out my email list at Yahoogroups:



List NamePerformance Count
All Performances226
Clancey's list0

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