1. Nothing on my list is for sale & I rarely do B&P's
2. Unless we've traded before, if you contact me you send first
3. I am only interested in good sounding recordings.
4. I only trade & trade for CDR's & DVDR's. I may, in very rare cases accept high quality VCD's
5. I DO NOT under any circumstances accept shows converted from mp3.
6. Please record using DAO [Disc at Once]. If your copy has 2 second gaps, fades and/or digipops I expect you to tell me prior to our trade. If it has 2 second gaps or digipops I will ask that you send an additional blank so that I can edit them out.
7. Do not send me an incomplete recording without informing me prior to our trade
8. If you're trading me a show that is flawed in any way, I expect you to inform me before we trade
9. Stay in contact throughout the trade. I will notify you by email whenever I send/receive a package, please extend the same courtesy
10. Do not take forever to send. I will consider anything that takes longer that 2 weeks a busted deal. I know how long it takes to burn & send CD's. If something comes up & you are unable to send right away, just tell me
11. Do not write on the discs
12. Use name brand CDR's & DVDR's
13. Thank you for your consideration, requests & offers. I look forward to hearing from you.

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All Performances1
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