I am currently a active trader. I only accepts non-generic disks please (maxell and memorex are fine with me). I use good disks and i expect the same. Right now im currently looking for as much dead as possible (any 88 and 89 shows that i dont have are a +).Also looking for much more moe. and ween. If you find something you like on my list, just email me and chances are I will trade. As far as my rating system is concerned please keep in mind that ratings are only a matter of opinion. Please note the disk counts I use are cd audio counts. The following is a list of shows im currently holding on my server as of 11/20. I will try to change things up every few weeks ABB 6/10/73 ABB 12/31/73 THE BAND 7/28/73 BFFT 8/10/02 BOWIE 10/20/02 DB 6/22/02 DB 8/3/02 DMB 4/14/93 DYLAN 10/30/99 LITTLE FEAT 8/24/02 GALACTIC 7/3/02 GD 4/23/77 GD 5/17/77 GD 6/9/77 GD 12/31/79 GD 12/31/81 GD 7/29/88 GD 7/31/88 GD 8/26/88 GD 7/15/89 GD 8/21/93 GD 1/17/68 GD 3/2/69 GD 5/15/70 (EARLY AND LATE) GD 12/31/70 (AFTERSHOW) GD 11/25/73 GD 12/2/73 GD 7/19/94 GD 2/26/77 GD 5/8/77 GD 10/1/77 GD 10/2/77 GD 7/31/82 GD 9/3/85 GD 4/11/87 GD 5/3/87 GD 7/7/87 GD 4/15/88 GD 7/2/88 GD 7/15/88 GD 9/12/88 GD 9/14/88 GD 9/20/88 GD 4/12/89 GD 5/6/89 GD 5/7/89 GD 7/18/89 GD 8/19/89 GD 10/9/89 GD 12/27/89 GD 7/22/90 GD 9/22/90 GD 9/24/91 GD 8/XX/73 GD 10/7/77 GD 11/4/77 GD 11/6/77 GD 10/11/83 MULE 4/17/02 HAYNES AND APTS 9/8/02 HOT TUNA 7/13/69 JGB 8/29/87 JGB 11/10/81 JGB 11/12/81 JGB 11/13/81 JG+MS 10/4/74 KELLER 8/10/02 MD 7/25/69 MD 11/3/69 MD 6/19/73 MOE 5/1/02 MOE 7/1/02 MOE 9/20/02 MOE 6/28/01 MOE 12/31/01 ********MP3*********** MOE 4/19/02 MOE 4/20/02 MOE 8/31/02 MOE 9/1/02 MULE 6/28/02 NEW DEAL 4/25/02 OINTW 9/30/73 OZZY 6/4/81 PF 4/29/70 PH 6/19/88 PH 5/8/93 PH 5/27/94 PH 6/24/94 PH 10/31/94***************MP3********** PH 10/31/96 PH 12/31/97 PH 7/24/98 PH 12/28/98 PH 12/31/98 P+P 4/15/99 P+P 4/16/99 P+P 4/17/99 PRINCE 6/7/86 RD 9/27/02 RR 8/4/02 SCI 6/23/02 SCI 7/19/02 SCI 7/20/02 SCO 8/11/02 SKB 8/11/02 SNOOP AND DRE 6/19/00 SOULIVE 8/10/02 STS9 7/4/02 STS9 8/9/02 TOO 8/3/02 TOO 8/4/02 UNCLE SAMMY 7/13/02 UNCLE SAMMY 9/1/02 VIDA BLUE 7/16/02 WH 2/5/93 WH 8/3/02 YMSB 5/20/02

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances498

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #