Created AtWed Jul 13 2016 07:36:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeBitTorrent
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1364162016-07-09Xfinity TheatreHartfordCT
flac16 44.1kHz AKG C414xls card/hyper > Edirol R4Pro ( Oade preamp mod ) @ 24/88.2; pointed at PA array, behind SBD, dead center, 12.5 feet high; R4Pro > WaveBurner ( track on sector boundaries, fades, SRC, BDC ) > xACT ( to flac, and for tagging and checksums ); Recorded, processed and let loose by Mike Kutik
Phish 2016-07-09 Xfinity Theatre, Hartford, CT
Set 1Soundcheck: Let Me Lie, Pigtail, Pebbles and Marbles, Unknown song

Set 1: Pigtail The Moma Dance Birds of a Feather Meat Vultures Free Let Me Lie Halley's Comet Julius You Enjoy Myself[1]
Set 2Down with Disease[2] Sand Tela Carini Twenty Years Later Run Like an Antelope Backwards Down the Number Line

Encore: The Lizards Loving Cup
Set 3

Comment[1] Trey on Marimba Lumina, Page on bass, Mike on keys for portion of the jam.
[2] Unfinished.

· The Birds quote in Birds of a Feather

Notes: The Birds was quoted at the end of BOAF. Let Me Lie was last performed on August 10, 2010 (229 shows). Portions of the YEM jam featured Trey on Marimba Lumina, Mike on keys, and Page on bass. DWD was unfinished.