Created AtSat Jan 18 2003 21:58:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeshn
Media Count2
Show RatingA
Sound RatingA++
Source Info(Onstage) Schoeps CMC6/MK4 (XY) -> Lunatec V2 -> Apogee MiniMe -> Sharp MV10 -> Samplitude v6.0 -> SHN
Trades Allowed
Taper Namecm&ap
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
144602002-12-27LevelzSteamboat SpringsCO
{onstage} Schoeps CMC6/MK4 (XY) -> Lunatec V2 > Apogee MiniMe > Sharp MV10; Mastering: Samplitude v6.0; Encoding: WAV > SHN [no DAE]
Steve Kimock Band 2002-12-27 Levelz, Steamboat Springs, CO
Set 1Kissin' The Boo Boo (White Strat)
Song Two (Mustang)
Bad Hair > (Mustang)
Drums >
Elmer's Revenge (Cripe)
Why Can't We All Just Samba? (Stringmaster)
Avalon (White Strat)
Set 2You're The One (Explorer, Supro)
Five B4 Funk (Cripe)
Drums ->
Sabertooth (White Strat, Stringmaster, White Strat)
A New Africa (White Strat)
Moon People (white Strat)
Set 3
CommentSteve Kimock - Guitars
Rodney Holmes - Drums
Mitch Stein - Guitars
Alphonso Johnson - Bass