Steve Kimock Band skb2002-12-27-mk4.shnf
2002-12-27 Levelz

Steve Kimock Band Live at Levelz on 2002-12-27

Source 14460
{onstage} Schoeps CMC6/MK4 (XY) -> Lunatec V2 > Apogee MiniMe > Sharp MV10; Mastering: Samplitude v6.0; Encoding: WAV > SHN [no DAE]

Set 1: Kissin' The Boo Boo (White Strat) Song Two (Mustang) Bad Hair > (Mustang) Drums > Elmer's Revenge (Cripe) Why Can't We All Just Samba? (Stringmaster) Avalon (White Strat) Set 2: You're The One (Explorer, Supro) Five B4 Funk (Cripe) Drums -> Sabertooth (White Strat, Stringmaster, White Strat) A New Africa (White Strat) Moon People (white Strat)

Files (download all files)
skb2002-12-27.txt (download)
skb2002-12-27.md5 (download)