Sources for Emmitt Nershi Band

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
Source 1:SBD -> Microtrack II (24/96); Source 2: (On-Stage) Sterling Audio ST55's -> Monster XLR's -> Zoom H4 (24/96); Source 3: (FOB) Neumann km184's -> Lunatec V3 -> Canare Impedance Trans. -> Apogee Wyde-EYE BNC Coaxial -> Sound Devices 722t (24/96); transfer: CF Card -> MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.4 - Cubase 4 LE (6 channel mixdown), Wave Editor (tracking, iZotope Resampler, dither (mbit+) -> FLAC16(encoding and tagging); recorded & uploaded by teamdrink
flac24;Source 1:SBD -> Microtrack II (24/96); Source 2: (On-Stage) Sterling Audio ST55's -> Monster XLR's -> Zoom H4 (24/96); Source 3: (FOB) Neumann km184's -> Lunatec V3 -> Canare Impedance Trans. -> Apogee Wyde-EYE BNC Coaxial -> Sound Devices 722t (24/96); transfer: CF Card -> MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.4 - Cubase 4 LE (6 channel mixdown), Wave Editor (tracking, iZotope Resampler, dither (mbit+) -> FLAC16(encoding and tagging); recorded & uploaded by teamdrink