Fox Theatre, Boulder, CO

Summary (download all files)
Master: SBD>Nakamichi MR-2 by Phil

A>D Conversion: Analog deck>Tascam DA-30-mkII

Conversion: DAT>Prodiff Plus>Samplitude Project 5.5>CD Wave>mkwACT

by Kevin Robbins

Textdoc (download)
Blues Traveler
03-21-93  Fox Theater, Boulder, CO

Source:  SBD>Cassette>DAT>HD via Prodiff Plus with Samplitude Project v5.5
Fades added using Sound Forge XP 4.5
Converted to SHN using mkw Audio Compression Tool

Taped by Phil
Converted by the Rev. Kevin A. Robbins 

Disc One:

1.	Intro						00:36
2.	Love & Greed				04:59
3.	Optimistic Thought			04:34
4.	Ivory Tusk					07:21
5.	Trina Magna					07:18
6.	Believe Me					05:19
7.	The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly	03:53
8.	Regarding Steven*				05:10
9.	Miss You>					05:34
10.	Sweet Talking Hippie			19:11
11.	Letter From A Friend			04:38
Total Time:						68:40

Disc Two
1.	NY Prophesie				05:38
2.	But Anyway					07:29
3.	Set II:  Love Of My Life		08:29
4.	100 Years					05:35
5.	Sweet Pain					11:26
6.	Stage Announcements			01:08
7.	Mulling It Over				08:13
8.	Save His Soul				04:23
9.	Spinning Spiraling Machine		05:36
10.	Manhattan Bridge				03:14
11.	Dropping Some NYC				03:16
Total Time:						64:35

Disc Three:

1.  Song Intro					00:30
2.  Whoops						11:22
3.  Outta My Hands>				04:40
4.  Go Outside & Drive				12:06
5.  Song Intro					01:51
6.  What's For Breakfast			04:13
7.  Band Intro					03:12
8.  Conquer Me					06:12
9.  Johnny B. Goode				02:59
Total Time:						47:12
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Mon May 13 2002 21:02:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Jan 24 2007 11:57:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


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