SHNID 6323 Widespread Panic 2001-10-22
Cricket Pavilion, Phoenix, AZ
Textdoc (download)
10/22/01 The Cricket Pavilion, Phoenix, AZ Source: MBHO 603's > DMic20 > DA-P1> CDR > EAC > SHN Disk1: 1: Happy > Bear's Gone Fishin', Holden Oversoul > Genesis > Climb To Safety, Driving Song > Disco > Driving Song, Imitation Leather Shoes Disk2: 2: Down > Wondering > Big Wooly Mammoth > Postcard*, Stop Breakin' Down Blues* > Dyin' Man* > Drums** Disk3: Drums Cont.** > Drums & Bass** > Casa Del Grillo > Travelin' Light, Conrad E: Let's Get The Show On The Road > Radio Child * with Johnny Hickman on mandolin/harmonica ** with Jon B. Fishman on percussion ['In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed' and 'Fixin' To Die' teases after 'Drums']
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Created At
Fri Dec 07 2001 17:17:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Mar 15 2022 13:22:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
shn.md5 (download)
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st5 (download)
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