Wetlands Preserve, New York, NY
Summary (download all files)
Master: SBD>Nakamichi
by Dave Nolan [DeadAir995@aol.com]
Conversion: Cass(M)>Onkyo TA-6711>D8>U2A>SoundEdit 16>WAV>SHN [no DAE]
by Dave Mallick
by Dave Nolan [DeadAir995@aol.com]
Conversion: Cass(M)>Onkyo TA-6711>D8>U2A>SoundEdit 16>WAV>SHN [no DAE]
by Dave Mallick
Textdoc (download)
Blues Traveler November 2nd, 1989 Wetlands Preserve, New York, NY Master creation: SBD>Nakamichi by Dave Nolan [DeadAir995@aol.com] SHNs were made: Master Cass>D8>Egosys Waveterminal U2A>SoundEdit 16 version 2>WAV>SHN [no DAE] by Dave Mallick [greenone@bluestraveler.net] CD 1 (73:00) 01. Dropping Some NYC [04:18] 02. Mulling It Over> [04:35] 03. Gina [04:59] 04. Slow Change [10:05] 05. But Anyway> [05:34] 06. Closing Down The Park [12:02] 07. Brother John> [08:45] 08. Gloria [10:43] 09. Hard To Exist [11:59] CD 2 (65:48) 01. Shotgun Shell [08:42] 02. As We Wonder [05:37] 03. Gotta Get Mean> [03:44] 04. Hey Joe> [06:21] 05. Gotta Get Mean> [02:18] 06. Bad To The Bone> [07:01] 07. Trust In Trust> [03:34] 08. Bad To The Bone> [01:07] 09. And So It Goes> [03:22] 10. Bad To The Bone> [01:06] 11. Sweet Talking Hippie> [07:34] 12. Bad To The Bone> [00:42] 13. Hit The Road, Jack> [03:18] 14. Crash Burn> [02:52] 15. Wouldn't It Make You Mad?> [03:20] 16. Miss You> [03:10] 17. Bad To The Bone> [01:30] 18. Sweet Talking Hippie [00:30]
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Sep 20 2002 10:16:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jan 23 2007 16:28:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
60e43c9719c295785c6fee62c6917005 *bt891102d1t01.shn 8eccec01890de15e1ac7d25cf044f376 *bt891102d1t02.shn d66b417eac3ef39a691ef681682ca71a *bt891102d1t03.shn 2fdcc262eb238eb22a5301b5730290ce *bt891102d1t04.shn 0c5b229e6602bb8885438f5c11f5319e *bt891102d1t05.shn c3980bbdb27e4401202ecf9884f8690e *bt891102d1t06.shn 5d7401b6427fed981944e1bc9029faa0 *bt891102d1t07.shn 18432c7d214c99c60c1966e3021efaeb *bt891102d1t08.shn c9e67815d310415b42526033ef24f460 *bt891102d1t09.shn
d2 (download)
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