SHNID 2129 String Cheese Incident 2000-10-31
State Theatre, Portland, ME
Summary (download all files)
Sonic AD2K+ > SBD (XLR) >TASCAM DAP1 > SONY M1(DAT CLONED) > HHB 850(CD) > EAC > CD > EAC > .shn
Textdoc (download)
String Cheese Incident 10/31/00 State Theatre, Portland, ME Source and Transfer Information: Sonic AD2K+ > SBD (XLR) >TASCAM DAP1 > SONY M1(DAT CLONED) > HHB 850(CD) > EAC > CD > EAC > SHN Seeded By: Grout ( Seed Date: 12/08/2000 Note: This was part of the SCI Halloween Tree that was created by: Aaron Sleight [] Disc 1: --Set One-- 1. Spiderman Theme > 2. Lonesome Fiddle Blues 3. Mrs. Brown?s Teahouse 4. St. Thomas 5. Barstool 6. Turn This Around Disc 2: 1. Lost > Jam > 2. Come As You Are --Set Two-- 3. Search 4. Howard Disc 3: 1. Joyful Sound > Jam > 2. Drifting Away 3. Outside Inside# > Jam > 4. Mauna Bowa > Jam > 5. Salt Creek > 6. Black Clouds Disc 4: --Encore-- 1. Land?s End > 2. Walking On the Moon* > 3. Come Together* > 4. The Wedge* > 5. Get Down Tonight* * = First Time Played # = There is a ~20 second gap during Outside Inside. However, this cut was a result of the entire PA power cutting out. During those 4 seconds, there was no sound coming through the stacks on the stage either. Tapers using mics will have a similar "cut" in their tapes save for the faint drum beat and the crowd's reaction when the sick jam suddenly cut out completely
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Ford Prefect
Created At
Tue Apr 22 2003 13:11:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Apr 22 2003 13:11:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
d1 (download)
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d2 (download)
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d3 (download)
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d4 (download)
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