Eisenhower Hall, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY

Summary (download all files)
Source: DAUD (stealth)

Conversion: Archive Python DDS/dat2wav > .wav; no soundcard
Soundforge for resampling & CDWAV used for tracking
Louie Rendek

Textdoc (download)
Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
February 1, 1997
Eisenhower Hall (West Point Miliatary Academy)
West Point, NY

Source:		DAUD (stealth)

Conversion:	Archive Python DDS/dat2wav > .wav; no soundcard
		Soundforge for resampling & CDWAV used for tracking
		Louie Rendek <ljr7@po.cwru.edu>

Disc One:

01:		Intro				01:58.67
02:		Lie In Our Graves		07:47.05
03:		Crazy (Captain)			04:54.14
04:		#41				05:48.44
05:		Dancing Nancies			06:22.27
06:		Lover Lay Down			04:59.64
07:		neuticle story			01:41.27
08:		Proudest Monkey ->		05:40.70
09:		Satellite			06:22.61
10:		Two Step			07:05.18

Total						52:41.12

Disc Two:

01:		Stream # (cut)			04:37.65
02:		crowd noise			00:38.22
03:		So Much To Say			04:04.33
04:		Let You Down			05:01.45
05:		Jimi Thing			08:13.22
		(what will become of me)
06:		Angel From Montgomery		05:48.69
07:		Little Thing			04:35.57
08:		I'll Back You Up		04:23.25
09:		Too Much (fame)			05:22.42
10:		Crash Into Me			05:44.74

Total						48:30.69

Disc Three

01:		Minarets ->			06:08.07
02:		Typical Situation		05:47.22
03:		Tripping Billies		05:13.22
04:		You Are My Sanity #		06:34.36
05:		What Would You Say &		05:50.57
06:		Say Goodbye &			06:56.38
07:		#36 &				05:53.02
08:		Ants Marching			05:59.19
09:		E:  Warehouse (passion)		10:03.13

Total						58:25.58

*	entire show with Stefan Lesard on bass.
#	Tim solo.
&	with John Popper on harmonica.

*	The taper(s) had some serious issues during the
	beginning of this show.  The intro and most of LIOG
	are full of many unpleasant sounds (basically
	moving the mics and stands around, but it is very
	loud and terrible sounding).  Once you get into
	Crazy and #41, this recording is better.
*	The end of Stream is cut and the terrible sounds
	are back from the taper moving equipment around.
	Something was unplugged toward the end of stream to
	cause the cut.  The terrible noises continue through
	SMTS and into Let You Down.  A fade out/in was inserted
	in place of this cut.
*	Once Popper came on stage, the crowd went bezerk.
	From there on out, the placement of track breaks is
	very qualitative in nature, since it is tough to hear
	when a new song is started.  Yes, it is that loud.
	I'm sure there is alot of clipping there too.
*	The encore break was not on the DAT, so a fade
	out/in was inserted.

*  compiled by Louie Rendek <ljr7@po.cwru.edu> on November 8, 2001.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Created At
Fri Jul 18 2003 10:11:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Jul 18 2003 10:11:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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