Devil's Head Resort, Merrimac, WI

Summary (download all files)
After show campground set.
Nakamichi Cm300/CP-1 cardiods in X-Y coincident pattern > SBM-1@44.1k > HHb CDR-850 > CDR > EAC > Soundforge XP 4.5 > CDWav > .shn

Textdoc (download)
String Cheese Incident


Devils Head Resort

Merrimac, WI

After show campground set

Source: NakamichiCm300/CP-1 cardiods in X-Y coincident pattern->SBM-1@44.1k>HHb CDR-850>CDR

Taped and converted by Michael Frasca

CDR>EAC>Soundforge XP 4.5 >CDWav>SHN by Eric Walker

1. Gold Rush

2. Another Night

3. Work

4. Wheel Hoss

The story is this:

This was the first time SCI ever played at Devils Head, which is a ski/golf resort.  In fact, this was the first time Devils Head ever hosted a concert.  SCI played a show on the 23rd and another on the 24th.  There was camping onsite for about 500 people.  After the show the first night, the boys in the band strolled out into the camping area with acoustic instruments and proceded to have a little jam.  Luckily, it was caught on tape for us all....

Soundforge notes:  When I got this show, the levels of the crowd cheering between songs was so high relative to the music, that when I played it on my stereo with the level comfortable for listening to the music, the crowd nearly blew my speakers.  So i used the Graphic Fader in Soundforge to tweek the levels of the crowd between songs.  I then normalized it to bring the overal level up.  The end result is quite pleasing.
Media Size
Media Size Uncompressed
SHN Disc Count
WAV Disc Count
Date Circulated
Entered By
Ford Prefect
Created At
Sat Oct 30 2004 11:29:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Oct 30 2004 11:29:51 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

All (download)
0c37355ba544dd9dff056f700e67e4a5 *sci00-06-23campt01.shn
9d594f05be27200aa22b02dd26a282b5 *sci00-06-23campt02.shn
550af0963572e2f991adc9610382b420 *sci00-06-23campt03.shn
9c8bdfc940fffc05a7af88af3cff63d3 *sci00-06-23campt04.shn

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