where i say that the media type is "shn>cdr=" , this means
that the number that follows is how many disc's the show will take
in .shn format .
i have added a new field . the field named "(**sl@.dbsicp**)"
this means "show listed at the .db shn's in circulation page" .
this field will only be used for a show that my copy doesn't
match the shn in circulation for , or if the show isn't listed .
show listed , but not for my source= new source
re-shn'ed copy of show (that i recieved against my will)= RE-SHN ! ! !
if i don't know if it's a re-shn or not= unsure
if the show isn't tracked on the .db= unlisted
only "taper friendly bands" shows are on this "default" list.
if you want to see everything i have you will need to set the
"all" or "non-tradable" option and use the filter button.
then you will be able to see all of the shows i have listed.
(none beyond the N.O.R.M.L. , but please read on ...)
sorry, but i am not trading (much) right now .
if you want you can ask, but i've been kinda` booked up lately .
FOR B&P's :
i have never turned anyone down for a shn B&P, so just ask.
i do NOT do audio B&P's .
if you are new to B&P'ing, or just haven't ever read this
please do so before requesting a B&P.
if you have any questions, just ask : )
a big thanks to all of the bands, tapers, Tom for all of his work
on the db (as well as all of his work that went into designing this
SWEET @55 skin), my fellow sight op.'s, traders, and anyone else who
i am forgetting who help to keep the music flowing.
br0thercr0w (~): )
!!!!!!!!!!!IF YOU HAVE A MOUSE WITH A WHEEL READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
double click on the arrow on the "jump to" bar below, and
roll your wheel for a neat effect.
single click anywhere on the page to turn it off.