Grateful Dead 1976-06-09
Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA

Set 1
Cold Rain & Snow
Scarlet Begonias
The Music Never Stopped
Crazy Fingers
Big River
They Love Each Other
Looks Like Rain
Ship Of Fools
Promised Land

Set 2
Saint Stephen >
Eyes Of The World >
Let It Grow
Brown Eyed Women
Lazy Lightning >
High Time
Samson & Delilah
It Must Have Been The Roses
Dancing In The Street >
Wharf Rat >
Around & Around

Franklin's Tower

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Keith Godchaux - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums
Donna Jean Godchaux - Vocals

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1521891976-06-09Boston Music HallBostonMA
flac2448; Source: Mono Sony hand-held recorder (model unknown) > TDK SD C90 & C120 (normal bias). Concert recording by Rich Petrunis. Transfer: MAC > Nakamichi CR-5A > Edirol FA-66 > Wavelab 2448 > CD-Wave (24bit output) > TLH > FLAC 2448 tagged. Transferred by Andrew F. 04/2021
953991976-06-09Boston Music HallBostonMA
flac16; Recording Info: Set 1: SBD -> Master Cassette -> CD; Set 2: SBD -> Master Reel -> Dat -> Sonic Solutions -> CD; Transfer Info: Set 1: CD -> Samplitude Professional v10.1 -> Adobe Audition v1.5 -> FLAC; Set 2: CD -> Samplitude Professional v10.1 -> FLAC; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
293231976-06-09Boston Music HallBostonMA
flac16; SBD/AUD Matrix of 3 previously circulated seeds (SBD I - SHN ID# 12382, SBD II - SHN ID# 5426, AUD - SHN ID #5982); prepared by Chris Chappell
990631976-06-09Boston Music HallBostonMA
flac24; source: aud 1st gen reel lineage: mac>reels @ 7.5 ips, dolby b set I on maxell 7" reel, set II on ampex 10.5" (baked), technics rs-1506>teac an-180>hd-p2 24/48>cd wave>flac; master taped by Steve Maizner; transferred & seeded by Rob Berger
990641976-06-09Boston Music HallBostonMA
flac16; source: aud 1st gen reel lineage: mac>reels @ 7.5 ips, dolby b set I on maxell 7" reel, set II on ampex 10.5" (baked), technics rs-1506>teac an-180>hd-p2 24/48>cd wave>flac; master taped by Steve Maizner; transferred & seeded by Rob Berger
54261976-06-09Boston Music HallBostonMA
set 2; SBD> MR> DAT> SS> CDR> EAC> SHN; via Tony Gardner, from Paul B. seed discs
122071976-06-09Boston Music HallBostonMA
set 2; SBD> RM> DAT> sonic solutions> CDR, with Beginning of "St. Stephen" spliced in from unknown audience source; Extracted with Toast Audio Extractor & Plexwriter 4/12 and converted to SHN; via Art Cohen
123821976-06-09Boston Music HallBostonMA
set 1 SBD>MR>R>D>CD>EAC>SHN with patches from AUD>MC>D>CD>EAC>SHN by J. Cotsman
59821976-06-09Boston Music HallBostonMA
FOB Sony 152 cassette deck with Sony ecm 99a stereo mic, taper Steve Hopkins; Audience Master Cassettes > DAT > DAT clone by Dave Minor; DAT clone > CDR by Dave Handrich; CDR > SHN conversion by Matt Vernon: CDR > WAV's (EAC secure with offsets enabled) > add fades with Cool Edit 2K > track boundaries CDWave > SHN's (mkwact seekable); see info file for flaw notes.
1569911976-06-09Boston Music HallBostonMA
flac16; Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Final Cut Pro (FLAC > AIFF > Final Cut > Soundtrack Pro > AIFF CD tracking via Audacity > FLAC16 via xACT w/meta-tagging), of shnid's 95399 & 99064.
Created At
Fri Mar 03 2023 04:06:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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