Phish 2017-12-31
Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

Set 1
Carini > Suzy Greenberg > My Friend, My Friend, Fluffhead, Reba, Poor Heart, 46 Days, Maze, Character Zero

Set 2
Possum, Fuego > Gotta Jibboo > Golgi Apparatus > What's the Use? > You Enjoy Myself

Set 3
Soul Planet[1] > Auld Lang Syne > Free, A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing > The Moma Dance, Prince Caspian, Wading in the Velvet Sea > First Tube

ENCORE: Loving Cup

[1] Phish debut.

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1405012017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16 44.1khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 10). Source: Schoeps mk41v (~70° @ 21cm)>kc5>cmc6>Sonosax SX-R4(24bit/96khz). Transfer: Sonosax SX-R4>USB-C>MacBook Pro>Pro Tools. 12(normalizing)>Audacity(tracking, fades,soft limit to set 3 to bring down cannon booms)>Sony Soundforge Convrt(resample(izotope,highest settings)/dither(mbit+/ultra, high dither)to 16 bit/44.1k)>XAct(FLAC 8,ffp,fix sbe,tagging). Recorded and Transferred by Andy Murray
1404782017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
1404242017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 48khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 11). Source: Schoeps mk4v (~70° @ 25cm)> Nbob KCY> Darktrain KCY Snake> Naiant Littlebox> Sound Devices Mixpre6 (Line in, Channels 5/6 @ 24bit 48 kHz). Transfer: Sound Devices Mixpre6> USB-C> Macbook Pro> Reaper (DSP)> Sound Studio (Tracking and Fades)> xAct. Recorded and Transferred by Noah Bickart.
1404252017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16 44.1khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 11). Source: Schoeps mk4v (~70° @ 25cm)> Nbob KCY> Darktrain KCY Snake> Naiant Littlebox> Sound Devices Mixpre6 (Line in, Channels 5/6 @ 24bit 48 kHz). Transfer: Sound Devices Mixpre6> USB-C> Macbook Pro> Reaper (DSP)> Sound Studio (Tracking and Fades)> xAct. Recorded and Transferred by Noah Bickart.
1404302017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 48khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 11). Source: Schoeps mk41v (~70° @ 21cm)> Nbob KCY> Darktrain KCY Snake> Naiant PFA> Sound Devices Mixpre6 (Mic in, Channels 3/4 @ 24bit 48 kHz). Transfer: Sound Devices Mixpre6> USB-C> Macbook Pro> Reaper (DSP)> Sound Studio (Tracking and Fades)> xAct. Recorded and Transferred by Noah Bickart.
1404312017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 48khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 11). Source: Schoeps mk22 (~70° @ 31cm)> Nbob actives> Naiant PFA> Sound Devices Mixpre6 (Mic in, Channels 1/2 @ 24bit 48 kHz). Transfer: Sound Devices Mixpre6> USB-C> Macbook Pro> Reaper (DSP)> Sound Studio (Tracking and Fades)> xAct. Recorded and Transferred by Noah Bickart.
1404322017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16 44.1khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 11). Source: Schoeps mk22 (~70° @ 31cm)> Nbob actives> Naiant PFA> Sound Devices Mixpre6 (Mic in, Channels 1/2 @ 24bit 48 kHz). Transfer: Sound Devices Mixpre6> USB-C> Macbook Pro> Reaper (DSP)> Sound Studio (Tracking and Fades)> xAct. Recorded and Transferred by Noah Bickart.
1404292017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16 44.1khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 11) Source: Schoeps mk41v (~70° @ 21cm)> Nbob KCY> Darktrain KCY Snake> Naiant PFA> Sound Devices Mixpre6 (Mic in, Channels 3/4 @ 24bit 48 kHz). Transfer: Sound Devices Mixpre6> USB-C> Macbook Pro> Reaper (DSP)> Sound Studio (Tracking and Fades)> xAct. Recorded and Transferred by Noah Bickart.
1404572017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 48khz Audio-Technica AT4031s (OTS, Row 7, Seat 14, ~14' PAS) > GAK Cables > Zoom H6 (@24/48). mastered in Adobe Audition CS6 > tracked in CDWav > encoded in dBpoweramp > tagged in Mp3tag and Tag & Rename. recorded, mastered, tracked, tagged, and seeded by djphrayz.
1404582017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16 44.1khz Audio-Technica AT4031s (OTS, Row 7, Seat 14, ~14' PAS) > GAK Cables > Zoom H6 (@24/48). mastered in Adobe Audition CS6 > tracked in CDWav > encoded in dBpoweramp > tagged in Mp3tag and Tag & Rename. recorded, mastered, tracked, tagged, and seeded by djphrayz
1404812017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 96khz Field: AKG C414xls card/hyper(OTS - mics 1 foot left of center pointed at PA array, 12.5 feet high) > Edirol R4Pro ( Oade preamp mod ) @ 24/96. Recorded by: Mike Kutik. DSP: wav > Audacity > xACT(FLAC/TAG) 24/96. DiGiHoArDeRs
1405022017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 96khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 10). Source: Schoeps mk41v (~70° @ 21cm)>kc5>cmc6>Sonosax SX-R4(24bit/96khz). Transfer: Sonosax SX-R4>USB-C>MacBook Pro>Pro Tools 12(normalizing)>Audacity(tracking, fades,soft limit to set 3 to bring down cannon booms)>XAct(FLAC 8,ffp). Recorded and Transferred by Andy Murray.
1405032017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16 44.1khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 10). Source: Schoeps mk22 (~60° @ 31cm)>nbob actives>Naiant PFAs>Sonosax SX-R4(24bit/96khz) Transfer: Sonosax SX-R4>USB-C>MacBook Pro>Pro Tools. 12(normalizing)>Audacity(tracking, fades,soft limit to set 3 to bring down cannon booms)>Sony Soundforge Convrt(resample(izotope,highest settings)/dither(mbit+/ultra, high dither)to 16 bit/44.1k)>XAct(FLAC 8,ffp,fix sbe,tagging). Recorded and Transferred by Andy Murray.
1405042017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 96khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 10). Source: Schoeps mk22 (~60° @ 31cm)>nbob actives>Naiant PFAs>Sonosax SX-R4(24bit/96khz) Transfer: Sonosax SX-R4>USB-C>MacBook Pro>Pro Tools 12(normalizing)>Audacity(tracking, fades,soft limit to set 3 to bring down cannon booms)>XAct(FLAC 8,ffp). Recorded and Transferred by Andy Murray.
1406772017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 96khz Recording Info: Schoeps CMC6/MK4 > Lunatec V2 > Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) > Samplitude Pro X3 Suite > FLAC/24. Section 2 Row 1 Seat 20 with the mic stand 9 feet high. Recorded and Mastered By Charlie Miller
1406782017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 96khz Recording Info: AKG C460b/CK8 > Sound Devices 744T (24bit/96k) > Samplitude Pro X3 Suite > FLAC/24. Section 2 Row 1 Seat 20 with the mic stand 9 feet high. Recorded and Mastered By Charlie Miller
1407132017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16 44.1kHz Schoeps CCM4 > Sound Devices 702; .wav > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] (normalize, iZotope Ozone MBit+ dither & resample) > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); OTS, 10' on stand; Recorded by Duncan Oldham
1407142017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 96kHz Schoeps CCM4 > Sound Devices 702; .wav > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); OTS, 10' on stand; Recorded by Duncan Oldham
1407402017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24 48khz Microtech Gefell m300 xy DFC behind SBD>Sound Devices Mixpre6 (24bit/48 kHz). Clamped to Joel Werner. Recorded and transferred by TaperJeff.
1419902017-12-31Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16 48kHz Neumann U89 > Sound Devices MixPre-6; .wav > Samplitude Pro X3 [Build 35] > TLH v2.7.0 (flac8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.3.10 (Live Show Tagger); Front left corner of lighting booth; Recorded by Walt Ferguson
Created At
Tue Jan 02 2018 17:42:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Jan 01 2018 08:18:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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