Phish 1999-12-31
Big Cypress Seminole Reservation, Big Cypress, FL

Set 1
Runaway Jim
Funky Bitch
I Didn't Know
Punch You In The Eye
Bouncing Around The Room
Poor Heart
Split Open & Melt >
Back On The Train
After Midnight*

Set 2
Meatstick >
Auld Lang Syne
Down With Disease >
Bathtub Gin
Heavy Things
Twist Around >
Prince Caspian >
Rock & Roll
You Enjoy Myself
Crosseyed & Painless
The In-Law Josie Wales
Sand ->
Quadrophonic Topplings
Slave To The Traffic Light
Uncle Pen
David Bowie
My Soul
Drowned >
After Midnight Reprise
The Horse >
Silent In The Morning
Bittersweet Motel
Piper >
Lawn Boy
Love You >
Roses Are Free
Also Sprach Zarathustra >
Wading In The Velvet Sea

Set 3

* First Time Played

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
9601999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
afternoon and evening sets; FOB Neumann U89 (omni Setting) Split 12' > Apogee AD1000; Conversion: E. Pearson: DAT (44.1k master) >Montego II Plus >HD via Soundforge >CDWav >Plextor 820; d5t1 ~2:30 crackles apparently fireworks; left channel louder than right; see Rattie's archiving tips for Neumann 12/30,31
9611999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
afternoon set; B&K 4011, 6-7 foot split aimed at each stack> Lunatec V2> Apogee A/D 500, position just to the left of the Earthworks; Conversion: DA302> ZA2> CD; taped? (or by Ron?) and mastered by S. Fry; note Poor Heart is in Bouncin track d1t6; some fades between songs, but only dead spaces removed
9621999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
afternoon set; Earthworks SR-77> Lunatec V2> ADC-20> DA-P1 & M1 (concurrent); from front row, stage left corner of tapers; DAT > CD > SHN: PCM-R500 > Audiomedia III/Powermac G3/233 > Pro Tools 4.3.2 Panasonic 7502 (burn/extract); via M. Vernal
9641999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
evening set, aka "ph2000-01-01"; Earthworks SR-77 > Lunatec V2 > ADC-20 > DA-P1 & M1 (concurrent); Location: Front row, stage left corner of tapers; DAT > CD > SHN: PCM-R500 > Audiomedia III/Powermac G3/233 > Pro Tools 4.3.2; Panasonic 7502 (burn/extract); taped and mastered by M. Vernal; no music missing; d4t1 ~:23 noise is fireworks; alternate tracking using 6 discs, with 2x80 and an overburn
9661999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
AKG480 (Omni), 12' split -> Lunatec V2 -> ADC-20 -> DA-P1 -> digi patch DA-P1, stage left TS; DAT -> SHN: DA-P1 -> 128bit Yamaha Sound Card -> Cool Edit Pro 1.2; via D. McDowell; notes: track breaks not on sectors, but at 0dB spots, ~5 min missing of the start of the tick-tocking, very beginning of Albuquerque spliced in from another source; circulated with 12/30 (d1-5 of the shn set)
217601999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
"From the Archives #4, Part II;" FM/pre-FM > DAT; DAT > CDR > EAC (secure) > SHNv3; DAT>CDR transfer by Kevin Shapiro; SHN Conversion by Jim Raras
765331999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
(FOB) Schoeps mk4 > kc5 > cmc6 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Apogee AD-1000 > Sony D100 (@ 44.1 kHz); Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam HD-P2 > WaveLab 5.01b (fades, splices) > CD Wave v1.95 > FLAC v1.1.2 (Level 8); Taped by Dave Flaschner; Transferred by Jason Sobel
746771999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
Schoeps mk21H + mk8 > KCY 250/5 > vmso2ib > SBM-1
982481999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
Schoeps mk4 > kc5 > cmc5 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sony TCD-D100 (@ 48 kHz); Tascam DA-20mkII > Marantz PMD-661 > Samplitude SE v9.1.1 (fades, level adjustments, track splits, splices, resample to 44.1 kHz) > FLAC v1.2.1 (Level 8); Taped by Eliot Byron; Transferred by Jason Sobel (NOTE: both 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz versions are available)
1065521999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
[midnight set only] - (FOB) Schoeps MK4V > KC5 actives > CMC6 > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD1000 @ 48khz; Sony D8 > Firewire Audiophile > Samplitude 24/96 (downsampled on highest setting) > CD Wave > FLAC; Transferred by Jeff Patton
1238361999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
flac16; (FOB) AKG 460b/ck8 > Lunatec V2 > Sony SBM-1 > Sony TCD-D8; Sony PCM-R500 > Marantz PMD-661 > cd wave > tlh (16b/48khz); Taped by JK; Transferred by John M.
1314401999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
flac16, 44kHz; (FOB/omni/split 12') Neumann u89's > Apogee AD-1000 > DAT(c); DAT(c) > Sony PCM-R500 > SPDIF > Tascam HD-P2 > CDWave > FLAC; Source by Eric Pearson; DAT(c) provided by Gordon Wilson; Transfer by Terry Watts
1324921999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
flac16, 44kHz; ProShot VHS Soundboard > "Restoration and Remastering" > FLAC; Transfer by BigCypressNYE
1381241999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
flac16 44.1kHz Neumann U89(FOB/Omni/Split 12’) > Apogee AD1000; Sony 59ES > Optical > Audacity 44.1 (MacMini)
1385291999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
flac16 44.1khz Neumann U89i(FOB/Omni/Split 12’/65-70’Back/65”Up/PAS approx. 30degrees) > Apogee AD1000 @ 44.1k > Tascam DA-P1 Transfer: DAT/c > Tascam DA-20 MKII > SPDIF > MacMini(Audacity) > xACT(FLAC/TAG) 16/441 Transfer/Seed: DiGiHoArDeRs: 6/6/17 DATs Provided by: Matt Lazor & funk_lin
1517471999-12-31Big Cypress Seminole ReservationBig CypressFL
flac16, 48kHz; B&K 4011 > Lunatec V-2 > Apogee A/D500e > Tascam DA-P1 @48K; Tascam DA-20 MK II > Fostex FR-2LE (Oade Mod); wav > Audacity > xACT(FLAC/TAG); Taped by Ron Dalton and Transferred by DiGiHoArDeRs (1/30/2021)
Created At
Sat Jul 13 2013 03:35:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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