Phish 2016-10-15
North Charleston Coliseum, North Charleston, SC

Set 1
Blaze On, What's the Use?, Martian Monster, Devotion To a Dream, Waking Up Dead, Timber (Jerry), Things People Do, Let Me Lie, Maze -> Lengthwise[1] -> Maze, Ass Handed, Carini, Wolfman's Brother

Set 2
Mercury -> Twist > I Always Wanted It This Way[2] > Miss You, Fuego -> Sand, Joy, Possum

ENCORE: Good Times Bad Times

Set 3

[1] Sung by Fish over the Maze intro.
[2] Debut.

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1370552016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac16 44.1kHz Schoeps mk41v(dina)>kc5>M222> NT222>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96; OTS; SDHC>Audacity 16/44.1>Amadeus Pro>xACT; Taped By: Chris King
1370562016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac16 44.1kHz Berliner CM-33’s > Naiant Littlebox > Sony PCM-M10 (24/48); SDHC > Amadeus Pro (16/44.1) > WAV > xACT > Flac; Front left corner of FOH, 8’ high; Taped by: NSL
1370572016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac16 44.1kHz Schoeps mk21 > KC5 > CMC6xt > EAA PSP-2 > Aeta 4MinX (@24bit/96kHz); Split 25', 8' Stands, 0 Degrees, Front Corners of FOH; SDHC > Samplitude SE 9.1.1(dither/resample) > CDWave > flac(16/44.1); Taped, Transferred/Seeded by: taylorc
1370582016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac16 44.1kHz Schoeps mk4v(nos)>Kcy>Schoeps Vst 62IUg>(Internal Pre)Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96; OTS; SDHC>Audacity 16/44.1>Amadeus Pro>xACT; Taped By: Chris King
1370592016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac16 44.1kHz Schoeps mk21(nos)>Kcy>AKI>Schoeps CMC6>EAA PSP-2>Sonosax SX-R4+ 24/96; OTS; SDHC>Audacity 16/44.1>Amadeus Pro>xACT; Taped By: Chris King
1370602016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac16 44.1kHz Peluso cemc6/ck21 [a,b/25' split] -> E.A.A. PSP-2 -> Tascam DR-680 [24/48]; ots/fob @ sbd/stand @ 8'; DR-680 -> Wavelab 6.1 [matrix/fades] -> CD Wave 1.98 -> TLH [flac/8] -> FooBar; recorded by: Col. George and Chris Davis
1370612016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac24 48kHz Peluso cemc6/ck21 [a,b/25' split] -> E.A.A. PSP-2 -> Tascam DR-680 [24/48]; ots/fob @ sbd/stand @ 8'; DR-680 -> Wavelab 6.1 [matrix/fades] -> CD Wave 1.98 -> TLH [flac/8] -> FooBar; recorded by: Col. George and Chris Davis
1370652016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac16 44.1kHz Nakamichi cm100/cp4 [Rainey] -> Sound Devices MP-2 -> Tascam DR-680 [24/48]; ots/fob @ sbd/loc/stand @ 8'; DR-680 -> Wavelab 6.1 [matrix/fades] -> CD Wave 1.98 -> Wavelab 6.1 [Crystal/UV22HR] -> TLH [flac/8] -> FooBar; recorded by: Col. George and Chris Davis
1370662016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac24 48kHz Nakamichi cm100/cp4 [Rainey] -> Sound Devices MP-2 -> Tascam DR-680 [24/48]; ots/fob @ sbd/loc/stand @ 8'; DR-680 -> Wavelab 6.1 [matrix/fades] -> CD Wave 1.98 -> TLH [flac/8] -> FooBar; recorded by: Col. George and Chris Davis
1370772016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac16 44.1kHz Schoeps MK41V>KC5>CMC6>Aeta PSP3>Roland R-26>24bit/48kHz WAV>Audacity (patch right channel for 4min of first song, fades, track, amplify, downsample, dither)>FLAC ( level 8 ); Recorded and produced by acidjack
1371182016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac24 96kHz DPA 4028 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Tascam DR-100mkIII @ 24/96; 90 ft. center; taped by George Wang
1371192016-10-15North Charleston ColiseumNorth CharlestonSC
flac16 44.1kHz DPA 4028 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Tascam DR-100mkIII @ 24/96; 90 ft. center; .wav @ 24/96 > Audacity 2.1.2 (dither to 16/44.1); taped by George Wang
Created At
Sun Oct 16 2016 10:39:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Oct 16 2016 10:39:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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