Phish 2015-07-28
Austin360 Amphitheater, Del Valle, TX

Set 1
Party Time, Free, Halley's Comet > Wolfman's Brother, Possum, Lawn Boy, Bouncing Around the Room, Water in the Sky, Dirt, Devotion To a Dream, Sugar Shack, Run Like an Antelope

Set 2
46 Days -> The Dogs -> 46 Days > Piper > Ghost > Shade, Gotta Jibboo, Waiting All Night, Blaze On, Wading in the Velvet Sea > David Bowie, Suzy Greenberg > Tweezer Reprise

Encore: Loving Cup

Set 3

Notes: This show was webcast via LivePhish.

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1338862015-07-28Austin360 AmphitheaterDel ValleTX
flac16 44.1kHz DPA 4027(NOS/FOB/DFC@6.5')->Tinybox->Sony PCM-M10(24/96)->UV22HR(16/44.1)->CDWave->FLAC; Recorded and transferred by Scott Schneider
1339032015-07-28Austin360 AmphitheaterDel ValleTX
flac16 44.1kHz fob, dfc, 6’ high, DINa; Milab VM-44 Links (cards) -> Sonosax SX-R4 (24/48); Sonosax SX-R4 -> AudioGate (16/44) -> CD Wave -> Flac(6)
Created At
Wed Jul 29 2015 15:30:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Jul 29 2015 15:30:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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