Gov't Mule 2014-07-10
Monforte d'Alba Jazz Festival, Monforte d'Alba, Italy

Set 1
Hammer And Nails
Banks Of The Deep End
Rocking Horse
Funny Little Tragedy / with The Bed's Too Big Without You Lyrics
Devil Likes It Slow
Scared To Live
Mr. Man
Inside Outside Woman Blues
Thorazine Shuffle

I'd Rather Go Blind

Set 2

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1308912014-07-10Monforte d'Alba Jazz FestivalMonforte d'AlbaItaly
flac16; zoom h1 internal microphones [24 bit/ 96 khz]
> audacity [lc -3 db - normalized - fades -
converted to 16 bit/ 44.1 khz] > .wav > cdwave [tracked and converted] > .flac
no position info
Taper: old97s [Italian Taper!]
Edit: Ulrich Rettinger [africolaman AT gmx DOT de]
Created At
Sun Jul 20 2014 13:33:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sun Jul 20 2014 13:33:14 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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