Treibhaus, Innsbruck, Austria

Set 1
Zagzagel, Sefrial, Vianuel, Rifion, Chafriel, Ahaij, Asaliah, Jeduthun, Malach ha-Sopher, Agmatia

E: Tutrusa`i

Set 2

Set 3

MMW played the complete "Zaebos: The Book of Angels Vol. 11" album (NOT quite) in order

This is NOT actually the album in exact order, although it is ALL the of the tunes from the album.

They play Vianuel as the 3rd tune, in the place where Agmatia should happen, and then skip Vinauel's usual spot as the 8th track when they come to it in order, and then throw Agmatia at the end.

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
flac16: Source: SBD -> Sony MiniDisk Hi-MD MZ-RH1; Lineage: Sony MiniDisk Hi-MD MZ-RH1 -> LG HDD/DVD Recorder RH188S -> Audio DVD -> MacThe Ripper -> MPEG Streamclip 1.9.2 -> CD Wave1.98 -> MacFLAC 2.1.2
Created At
Mon Nov 22 2010 00:03:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Wed Sep 22 2010 11:55:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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